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Recent content by inddon

  1. I

    Show XML data into an existing table

    It is a inhouse developed application hosted in Amazon Cloud. Can you provide some info. regarding Power Query connecting to other stuff? Can we write VBA code for Power Query? Thanks
  2. I

    Show XML data into an existing table

    Wonderful @Marc L :DD Thank you
  3. I

    Show XML data into an existing table

    Thank you @p45cal. This works. It did not bring any dialogue box. I wouldn't prefer this, as there would be many XML transformation to the various Tables We have an excel VBA workbook which gets connected to a non-excel application. We request data from this non-excel application only via it's...
  4. I

    Show XML data into an existing table

    Thank you, it works
  5. I

    Show XML data into an existing table

    Thank you p45cal. Good idea to know about Power Query. In VBA, the XML data is received from another application and stored in a VBA variable. From this VBA variable it needs to be displayed in a given Table. The structure of the XML received can vary (rows, columns). How can I do this Power...
  6. I

    Show XML data into an existing table

    Thak you for Marc for the hint. I found some code on the web. Not sure how to go about it. Workbook.XmlImportXml (Data, ImportMap, Overwrite, Destination) Workbook.XmlImportXml (<stringData>, <ImportMap ?>, Overwrite, <Range>) What would be the ImportMap, as my structure of XML (columns...
  7. I

    Show XML data into an existing table

    Hello There, I have a XML output received from another application stoerd in a string variable. I would like to show this data in the same workbook and in an exiting table. I am looking for the VBA code to successfully bring about the above requirement. I have attached a sample workbook...
  8. I

    Search for a character/string, get the location's whole word..

    Please ignore my previous post (11), my mistake The code works perfect :):awesome: Thank you @Marc L
  9. I

    Search for a character/string, get the location's whole word..

    Hello @Marc L Thank you for taking the time for the code. Never used Wend, good to know. I executed the code, it displays the second part of the output correct. The first part gets missed out (attached a printscreen) Please advise Regards, Don
  10. I

    Search for a character/string, get the location's whole word..

    If you consider this as an assignment then I will buy you some beer (if it is okay with you) :) I should have solved it by yesterday. But whenever you have time available and can look into it, that would be wonderful :awesome:
  11. I

    Search for a character/string, get the location's whole word..

    Hello p45cal, All I know is, I am seeking your help. I wrote the code and it turned out to be too lengthy & messy one. Discarded it at the end. I am looking forward for a smarter way to get this working and learn too. That is why the post in the forum (with detail description). Regards, Don
  12. I

    Search for a character/string, get the location's whole word..

    Hello @Marc L, @p45cal Thank you for your repsonse. Attached a sample workbook with the explanation for your reference. Regards, Don
  13. I

    Search for a character/string, get the location's whole word..

    Thank you p45cal. The formula would be useful. I will kepp this in mind. For my requirement it has to be in VBA. I will post a sample workbook soon as requestd by Marc Regards, Don
  14. I

    Search for a character/string, get the location's whole word..

    Hello There, I would like to have a VBA Sub which would do the following: Below varaibles: a. l_Paragraph = "A string is any series of characters that are interpreted literally by a script. :x_For example, hello world :x_and LKJH019283 are both examples of strings. In computer...
  15. I

    Reflect comma (,) separated plain text from a variable into a Table

    Super. Thank you @p45cal :)