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Recent content by dilishan

  1. D

    I'm teaching myself some VBA, wanna help?

    This is good..Even I would like to learn Excel VBA. Thanks
  2. D

    linking excel and web

    hi. The site is Gocompare. CAn I have your email so that I can send it to your personal email for you to have a look at it.. I need to fix this error Thanks, D
  3. D

    linking excel and web

    Hi, I tried accesssing and getting data from the web onto excel using the web query, But I am getting the following error,""File cannot be opened because: Use of default namespace declaration attribute in DTD not supported." Please tell me how to fix the error. Thanks Dilishan
  4. D

    Creation of an efficient frontier using excel

    One small question. Please find below the question I have. 1. I am planning to use solver. 2. How can I permanently embed solver function on to a form control. So the user could just change the value and the output table will be updated. I dont want the user to go to solver tab and do it. It...
  5. D

    Creation of an efficient frontier using excel

    Thanks alot. I will try it and get back to you. I want to draw an efficient frontier graph..Hope the methods you suggested would help me to create one. Many thanks for your support
  6. D

    Creation of an efficient frontier using excel

    hi, I want to create an efficient frontier using excel. I have data for different volume bands and the revenue earned. Revenue is arrived at using four different variables (eg: a,b,c,d). I want to calculate the maximum revenue that can be earned for different combinations. So there should be...