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zero or no zero



I have this formula:


It works fine for me but there is a minor setback: It calculates the empty cells as zeros.

How can I adjust it so that it won't calculate the empty cells as zeros? Only when I put a zero (0) in a cell, it should be calculated.


Thanks dear,

the formulas did not do the required task. They returned the numbers that are less than 5 to 0
As an alternative to checking the length of the string, you can also use the ISNUMBER formula:


Based on your most recent response, it looks like you do not want C1<5 to be a condition? Based on your original post, that's included, which is why vaskov17 put it in there

If what you're truly trying to do is "Return A1 when C1 is 0; otherwise return blank", then this should work for you:

One of the easiest solutions to this issue I have found is to use a nested if function:


Or using durheim's soultion above you could nest the ISNUMBER() function in the first if and then your condition afterwards:


Hopefully this helps.
Dear all,

All ideas are great, however I think that my problem is much more simpler than this:

Column D has the formula of =sum(A:C)

This returns the value of 0 if the cells A:C are empty.

I need to have the average at the end of col. D, but the program counts all the cells that have 0 resulting from empty A:C

I want it to only calculate the cells that result from numbers even if these numbers are 0's , but nut from empty cells.

I hope it is clearer now.

I appreciate your concern and cooperation
Hi ahhhmed, sounds like all you need to use in column D is the averageif formula. This works in a very similar to the countif, sumif formulas, e.g. try =AVERAGEIF(A1:C1, ">0", A1:C1). This will only take into account the values that are greater than zero...does this resolve your problem?

Or u can use a counta(A:C). CountA counts the blanks. SO you could use Sum(A:C)/(CountA(A:C)-Count(A:C))