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What would be most efficient method to secure workbook


New Member
I was asked that question today by my employer, even though he knows that I am only novice-to-intermidiate Excel user and my job isn't
VBA programing, so that's why my method maybe isn't very good and would like to get some opinion from veterans.

After a while I come up with this solution :
1. Main workbook with only one value in A1 : "PASSWORD" placed in for instance Windows folder.
2. Workbook that needs to be secured :
In one sheet connect one cell ("AA1000") with MAIN workbook
VBA checks if there is "PASSWORD" value in AA1000
If not : Select all sheets (except one empty, created for that purpose) DELETE, SAVE workbook (now empty)
3. VBA secured with password

I don't know, nothing better comes to mind.

Thanks for any advice.
Not sure about most efficient way, but a few good ways (though easily bypassed by many) to secure a workbook would be Open-Write protection, Sheet Protection and Workbook Protection.
Good day Jovica

As Sam has pointed out there are different ways to secure a workbook and just as many ways for those with just a small amount of Excel knowledge to un-secure the workbook.

If you want real security then I would use Access with a form for data input and if the data needs manipulating then export to excel
Sheet & workbook protection is cracked easy with Elcomsoft. Access method wouldn't work 'cause there are many input cells (hundreds).

So I guess easier solution is to protect VBA, lock cells/password to avoid accidental deletion, and use some external software to prevent copy/paste (stealing files).

@SirJB7 This looks very interesting : http://chandoo.org/forum/threads/user-form-via-qat.5203/Thank you for providing Excel file.
Good evening old friend

I think trying to get past the security in Access is like trying to find your way around a maze, double but hard, trying to get past security in Excel is like walking through a door that some one is holding open for you.
Hi, my friend!
Good afternoon.
Just between you and me, let me tell you a secret: I absolutely agree, Excel security sucks; Access one is better but not as desirable.
That is sad, since I started using Excel heavily for making tools that will make my job easier, and to think that some1 could steal it with almost no effort...

At least I succeeded in retrieving forgotten password from my old VBA project.

Thanks guys.
Hi, Jovica!
It isn't sad, it's that you just chose the wrong tool prioritizing easiness before security if you're highly concerned about security. Excel is a great, wonderful and useful tool, but it neither can't remotely control rockets, it isn't designed to do that.