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VBA Project Password...


Hi Friends,

I have forgot VBA Project Password,

i have tried "Hex Editor Neo" in this replaced DPB sring to DPx but getting error "A Pattern was not found"

Can somebody please help me in this

Good day Ajinkya

You are buggered, once the password is and encyripted you can not get in .....................but I am sure a Ninja will prove me wrong (hopefully)
Good day to you bobhc

I have tried as per Ninja "Luke M" suggested in the blog "How to break VBA password"

but fail to get it done :-(
Hello Ajinkya!

Can you elaborate on what/when exactly it is not working? Were you able to get the HEX editor open? Did you find the "DPB" string in the editor? Were you able to change it?

Some 2007 files do use a different setup which won't let you use this trick, but if you're able to see the DPB line, it should work. Note that when things work "properly" you will get an error message when you open the file in XL, which should prompt you for a new password. IT's a this point you should give a simple pass like "1234", save, and then close-reopen the workbook.
Hi, Ajinkya!

Give a look at this:


Then do this:

a) open a new workbook

b) go to VBA editor

c) create a new module

d) copy the code at the bottom of the page and paste it in the new module

e) open the workbook with the VBA protected code

f) adapt macro to test for this last workbook instead of active workbook

Maybe you're lucky and find "a" password, not "the" password, but the goal'd be achieved, wouldn't it?

Dear Luke M Sir,

Good morning to you!!!

Since your blog, I were been re-tried to get it done with the help Hex editor but while find your suggested string the msg occurs as "A pattern was not found"

I would like to admit here, I'm very basic in learner of VBA, I really don't know that technical descriptions.

It will be very helpful if you please guide.

Dear SirJB7: let me go through your suggested points

thanks, have a great day ahead :)
Hi, Ajinkya!

Succeeded or failed? Just to know...

If failed, consider uploading the workbook. Just to give a look...
