I have a spreadsheet that tracks wrestler's points based on each match. They have three rounds, one match each round. the drop down options for the Win versus Lose determine the point values. Those all work fine.
I have a WIN column that will count the number of Wins and and Lose column that counts Losses
I then have a Personal Record that will compare the two (example 3-0, 2-1) etc.
I have eight teams, 4 in POOL A and 4 in POOL B
I need to Rank 1-4 for each pool based on their total points first, and then, if a tie, look at the personal record.
For example -- please see attached screenshot
As you can see from the screenshot, for the A Pool, there are no ties
18 = First
12 = Second
6 = Third
0 = Fourth
but for the B group, two wrestlers both accumulated 12 points,
however one wrestler had a 3-0 personal records (3 wins, 0 losses) while the other wrestler had a 2-1 PR, (2 wins, 1, loss)
The player with the 3-0 needs to be marked as 2 since they have the better win to loss ration.
I have tried SumProduct
(this one works well for ranking, however, does not take into account if the number is negative or positive -- it just looks at True or False)
=RANK(Q2,$Q$2:$Q$5) (Yes, I know this one is only looking at one set of data)
Even Rank.AVG would be good if it can then look at the secondary data rather than just give both tied numbers a .5 deliniation
I would really like to not have to have an additional column just to rank a second time in the case of a tie. This is a huge Workbook with multiple spreadsheets due to the amount of data needed.
I have a WIN column that will count the number of Wins and and Lose column that counts Losses
I then have a Personal Record that will compare the two (example 3-0, 2-1) etc.
I have eight teams, 4 in POOL A and 4 in POOL B
I need to Rank 1-4 for each pool based on their total points first, and then, if a tie, look at the personal record.
For example -- please see attached screenshot
As you can see from the screenshot, for the A Pool, there are no ties
18 = First
12 = Second
6 = Third
0 = Fourth
but for the B group, two wrestlers both accumulated 12 points,
however one wrestler had a 3-0 personal records (3 wins, 0 losses) while the other wrestler had a 2-1 PR, (2 wins, 1, loss)
The player with the 3-0 needs to be marked as 2 since they have the better win to loss ration.
I have tried SumProduct
(this one works well for ranking, however, does not take into account if the number is negative or positive -- it just looks at True or False)
=RANK(Q2,$Q$2:$Q$5) (Yes, I know this one is only looking at one set of data)
Even Rank.AVG would be good if it can then look at the secondary data rather than just give both tied numbers a .5 deliniation
I would really like to not have to have an additional column just to rank a second time in the case of a tie. This is a huge Workbook with multiple spreadsheets due to the amount of data needed.
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