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On which occurrence John made his biggest sale?


New Member
Hi all,

It is from homework file in vlookup week, "getting the second matching value" article at chandoo website.

I am having difficulty wrapping my head around this formula:


Could someone please explain this…..

I tried to go different way: through MATCH function to determine the position of John’s max sale. But all it gives to me is 13, instead of 4. If I have an following array :

{0;1088;0;0;0;1540;0;0;0;726;0;0;2682}, how can I make it look like this {1088;1540;726;2682}, in other words how can I get rid of zeros(false) and keep the order of non-zero(true) values.

My formula was like: =match(max((salesman=”john”)*(sales));((salesman=”john”)*(sales));0)

Thank you.
Hope Nazim.. is talking about..


