H hossam sadek Member Feb 14, 2015 #1 i need to sum all over time for specific employee from date to date as the attached sheet Attachments over time.xlsx 13.3 KB · Views: 1
N NARAYANK991 Excel Ninja Feb 14, 2015 #2 Hi , See if this is OK. Narayan Attachments over time.xlsx 13.2 KB · Views: 3
H hossam sadek Member Feb 14, 2015 #3 hello NARAYANK991: thank you for your replay but i need to be able to inter the two specific dates that the sheet will sum the values for the employee that i will choose
hello NARAYANK991: thank you for your replay but i need to be able to inter the two specific dates that the sheet will sum the values for the employee that i will choose
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Feb 14, 2015 #4 Hosam That's exactly what Narrayan's formula does If you change the to date to 2/1/2015 it responds with 6 for Sara Can you post an example where it is wrong?
Hosam That's exactly what Narrayan's formula does If you change the to date to 2/1/2015 it responds with 6 for Sara Can you post an example where it is wrong?
H hossam sadek Member Feb 14, 2015 #5 dear hui thank you for the notice i didn't notice that and thank you Narrayan for you support its so helpfull forum
dear hui thank you for the notice i didn't notice that and thank you Narrayan for you support its so helpfull forum