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hello excel ninjas


New Member
Date Started Date End Days pass

1/2/13 1/12/13 10

1/8/13 1/12/13 4

i want to count the days pass except Sunday.

do you have a formula that less the count of Sunday..

Thanks in Advance...
Hi ,

You can take the difference between the two dates , and subtract the number of Sundays from this :

=(End_date - Start_date) - SUM(IF(WEEKDAY(ROW(INDIRECT(Start_date&":"&End_date)))=1,1,0))

entered as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER.


Assuming your dates are mm/dd/yy above

1/2/13 to 1/12/13 is 11 days of which there is 1 Sundays

So I get 11 not 10 as you posted

I would use: =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A2,B2,11)

1/8/13 to 1/12/13 is 5 days of which there are no Sundays

So I get 5 not 4 as you posted

I would use: =NETWORKDAYS.INTL(A3,B3,11)

My counts above include both the Start and End dates so you can take off another 1 or 2 if they aren't included

So the formula could be:


to match your answers