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Excel VBA : Show Image from worksheet on Userform based on cell value


New Member

I have created userform, it should show picture in 'Image1' control based on B1 cell value. All pictures available on Sheet1 only. Please help.


  • LoadPicture.xlsm
    139.3 KB · Views: 52
Oh! I don't know what went wrong. There should have a file. Anyways, check now...


  • LoadPicture.xlsm
    146 KB · Views: 134
Oh! I don't know what went wrong. There should have a file. Anyways, check now...
Thanks so much, it is working. I saw the coding, actually my office computer profile is restricted, this macro will fail while coping the picture to the temp directory. Is there any way to just show Pictures without copying anywhere on the drive?
It's hard to make it, as an Image control does not support the way you are asking. Not sure whether it's possible or not. You can set a path that you have access.