New Member
Hi Guys,
I have been trying to create VBA code to produce a list of all Permutations,
The below is not mine but I have amended it (Slightly)to suit my needs
This does the job perfectly to a degree, However when it reaches the final row A1048576 the program ends,
1. Can you please advise as to how I can make this program continue to place results in the next column until B1048576, Then C1048576 etc. until all permutations are complete.
2. I would like to reduce the number of characters in the results also i.e if I have 10 Characters find all permutations containing 5 Characters, This is less important as I can pull these from the final results anyway.
Thanks in advance
I have been trying to create VBA code to produce a list of all Permutations,
The below is not mine but I have amended it (Slightly)to suit my needs
Dim CurrentRow
Sub GetString()
Dim InString As String
InString = InputBox("Enter text to permute:")
If Len(InString) < 2 Then Exit Sub
If Len(InString) >= 21 Then
MsgBox "Too many permutations!"
Exit Sub
CurrentRow = 1
Call GetPermutation("", InString)
End If
End Sub
Sub GetPermutation(x As String, y As String)
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
j = Len(y)
If j < 2 Then
Cells(CurrentRow, 1) = x & y
CurrentRow = CurrentRow + 1
For i = 1 To j
Call GetPermutation(x + Mid(y, i, 1), _
Left(y, i - 1) + Right(y, j - i))
End If
End Sub
This does the job perfectly to a degree, However when it reaches the final row A1048576 the program ends,
1. Can you please advise as to how I can make this program continue to place results in the next column until B1048576, Then C1048576 etc. until all permutations are complete.
2. I would like to reduce the number of characters in the results also i.e if I have 10 Characters find all permutations containing 5 Characters, This is less important as I can pull these from the final results anyway.
Thanks in advance