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Countifs - Count blanks if date populated


If there is a date in column A, Countif column B is blank (count blanks if there IS a date). This is my formula, however I am getting the answer of 1 rather than the 2 expected?

=COUNTIFS(A1:A6, "*",C1:C6, "")

See attached for example.


  • Count blanks IF target date populated.xlsx
    8.8 KB · Views: 7
Hi there...

You are using wrong formula. The reasons are 2
  1. since your data is from A3:C8, you must change references to A3:A8 and C3:C8
  2. You need to use date column >0 (remember dates are numbers, so you cannot use *).
This formula works for your data.

Hi, my friend!
Good afternoon.
Long time ago yet I firstly thought that @r1c1 was a bot, a read only one (no write enabled), later I changed my mind and understood that it was a bug of the forums software, which a while I ago I confirmed unequivocally:
Saw that little dark bug?
PS: But sometimes like today it seems as if the bug account gets hacked by someone who uses Excel.
PS: Or should I believe @Luke M who told me that r1c1 was the younger brother of Star Wars r2d2? I'm not sure to believe this, or at least their mother brings them to different hair stylists:
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r1c1 cannot be related to r2d2 as the latter cannot hang from trees while the monkeys cut and style the hair...........:p ....:awesome: