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Choose Data validation option, get different font color

Under #2, see the 5th item.

By default, the value "Not Done" appears in gray in the column called "Who Finished It?" But when you select a data validation option in this column and choose a name, all of a sudden the name does not have gray font, but black.

How is this accomplished? When I tried constructing my own version of this, I still get a gray font after selecting a choice from the drop down menu.
Hi ,

Data Validation is used only to select defined values from a list , since that is what Data Validation is supposed to do.

Changing the font color is being done by Conditional Formatting ; you can use either a formula-based option or use the second option from within the CF dialog box viz. Format only cells that contain , specifying "Not Done" for the equal to value.

Hi ,

Data Validation is used only to select defined values from a list , since that is what Data Validation is supposed to do.

Changing the font color is being done by Conditional Formatting ; you can use either a formula-based option or use the second option from within the CF dialog box viz. Format only cells that contain , specifying "Not Done" for the equal to value.


That's right. I totally forgot about conditional formatting. Thank you and I got it to work.
I am trying this again and now when I got to select a font color, the font type and size are grayed out. I can make a selection from font style (bold, etc.).

This is true when I try CF by defining a formula or by the option called 'Format only cells that contain.' I am applying to over cells with a Data Validation list but that doesn't appear to be the problem, since this problem still occurs in other cells.

I am trying to apply this to R5:R34 on the first tab of the attached file.


  • Sample Project Management Dashboard.xlsx
    32.9 KB · Views: 1
Hi ,

Something like this ?


Yes that is what I had in mind. For some reason I was looking at the Font Name which was grayed out but all I needed was the color. I must have gotten too fixated on trying to figure out why it is grayed out. So yes, this is what I was looking for. But for some reason my formula didn't work. I have a few questions.

1. I have a file attached. It is a screen shot of my conditional formatting formula rule. The column called 'Assigned to' in the screen shot is column U in my formula. I don't see anything wrong with my formula. The file is a Word document with an 'xlsx' file extension.
2. Do you know why the font type (Arial, Calibri, etc.) is grayed out?
3. Do you know why the font size is grayed out?
4. If I wanted to include a center alignment (horizontal) as a part of conditional formatting, is there a way to do this? I didn't see an option for that.


  • Conditional Formatting in Gray.xlsx
    48.1 KB · Views: 5
Hi ,

I have no idea about 2 and 3 because I can't see anything relevant to this in the file you have uploaded , since it contains only one picture.

Regarding 1 , I think U5 is not your header row ; probably you should use U4.

Hi ,

I have no idea about 2 and 3 because I can't see anything relevant to this in the file you have uploaded , since it contains only one picture.

Regarding 1 , I think U5 is not your header row ; probably you should use U4.


Thank you. It works now.

Regarding my questions #2, 3 and 4, I have my file uploaded if you are interested in taking a look at it.


  • Sample Project Management Dashboard.xlsx
    144.2 KB · Views: 3