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Cell format - Negative numbers


New Member

I need to get the negative values (-$150,000.00) to be displayed as (($150,000.00). Hyphen should be replaced as brackets. This should only happen to negative values. I need A3 should change automatically if we enter -500 or so.

I have data like this.

Cell - data
A1 : $400,000.00
A2 : $2,000.00
A3 : - $150,000.00

Please let me know if any questions.
@Deb & Narayan,
Can you help us know how to get these worded? So that we can customize it as per our requirement?
like its [color][Currency]??
Thanks Narayan, my office system does not allow me to open that link but I am quite sure that it will be of great use...:)..

Will surely open the link once I reach home....
Thanks SirJB7, as I had missed to open Narayan's link yesterday at home as well....
The link is great and so is the post about built-in help...:)