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Automated appraisal system using Excel...can this be done?


New Member
I am in process of making an appraisal system for my organization through excel templates .Each employee will Have 4 parts to his appraisal sheet .

1.his core Tasks(There is an excel based questionnaire for this which will generate a cumulative score)
2.Interest areas(There is an excel based questionnaire for this which will generate a cumulative score)
3.Score of Projects in which he got involved(There are certain criteria for this based on which we will generate a cumulative score)
4.Company performance score(There are certain criteria for this based on which we will generate a cumulative score)

Taking all 4 into consideration final appraisal score will be derived.In final appraisal score 50% weightage will go to 1,2;30% will go to 3 and rest 20% will go to 4

So while rating a person,I will select his Role. eg:senior programmer
Then i will select his interest area(Multiple selections should be allowed) and projects he involved in.Then i should get a comprehensive questionnaire,based on which i will be able to derive score of the person.

I should be able to archive the comprehensive template separately

I want to know whether this can be done in an automated fashion in excel or do i need to design a separate system for this
You can use excel, but I would recomend Access. Less coding if you use access, in that you can build the forms easier. Access will also allow you to keep archive data in a database using a Key you can make each appraisal unique.
