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Search results

  1. D

    Creating a dynamic member allocation chart based on dates and engagement

    Hi All, I want to create a sheet where a small timescale/chart is available, showing resource allocation over dates based on their day to day engagements. I tried doing this in a very crude way, but not happy and satisfied with it. Is there a better way of doing this? Attached is the sheet I...
  2. D

    Word Merge with Excel sheet datasource

    Hi, I have one problem related to word merge, wherein my data source is excel sheet. What I am currently doing, is generating a word document based on the data filled in a single row of the excel (data source). • For example, I have the document with 26 merge fields as 1. Work...
  3. D

    Highlighting different cells based on different values

    Hi Friends, With conditional formatting, is it possible to have certain cells highlighted based on a condition? I would elaborate the problem. I have several columns say col1, col2, col3 till say col 10. In col1, I will have a list type of selection for all the rows, where some fixed values...
  4. D

    No. of days between two date in MS Excel 2003

    HI, I have to find out no. of days between any two dates (may not be in the same year) with a complete accuracy, in MS Excel 2003. Is there a way to do this? Cheers, Deepak