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excel formula everything before underscore OR a space


Hi Everyone, how are you.
How can I create a formula to give me everything before the first underscore OR Space. Whatever comes first.
So far I have this =LEFT(A10,FIND("_",A10)-1) but I dont know how to include for space.

Thank you so much and have a good day.

We can use the MIN function to figure out which one to take.
=LEFT(A2,MIN(FIND(" ",A2),FIND("_",A2))-1)

Note that this assumes there's a least one space and one underscore in the text.
Hello Jenn,

You can add " _" (one space & _ ) at the end. Since FIND will always stop at first occurrence MIN will give lowest.

=LEFT(A10,MIN(FIND({" ","_"},A10&" _"))-1)