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Resetting a moving average at change in another value


New Member
I have a worksheet that has the following data:


The last column is a running average of the values in the 4th column.

Formula now:
E3: =IF(C3=C2;AVERAGE($D$2:D3);D3)
E4: =IF(C4=C3;AVERAGE($D$2:D4);D4)
E5: =IF(C5=C4;AVERAGE($D$2:D5);D5)

When the value of the county changes (column C), I need to have the moving average reset and begin counting anew. I can calculate the moving average up to here; and, I can have the formula enter the new starting value. But, is there a way to have the absolute value reset in the formula so that it begins with a new value on a change in column 3? Ideally, the last line formula would read:

How can i set the absolute value from $D$2 to $D$42?

Just to make it extra challenging, here's a monkey wrench: The number of observations changes across counties; in other words, sometimes there are 44 observations (1970-2013), sometimes 30, or as few as 8.
Thank you in advance for your thoughts!

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Why not use the SubTotal Function
Select your data Table
Goto the Data, Subtotal Tab
At each Change in : Column C or County
Use Function Average
Add Subtotal to C