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Recent content by Santy28

  1. Santy28

    Pivot Tables - Sort Data

    Hi, I have a data which has a Project#, Project Approved Date, Project Budget$.... so on. When i do a pivot on the data by selecting Row labels as Project# and Project Approved Date and values as the sum of Project Budget$. The problem is when i sort the value fileds from largest to smallest i...
  2. Santy28

    Excel not taking dates in excel formats after 12th of a month

    Hi Anaand, Select all the data containing dates then clikc Ctrl+1, pick the date format you required.
  3. Santy28

    Closing an excel file display dialogue box to save changes

    Hi JB, Its good to save the workings before u close. But still if this itches as the file is large and u dont want to see the save dialog box. Insert below macro for the workbook: Sub closewbk() ThisWorkbook.Close savechanges:=False End Sub assign a shortcut for the macro and use it...
  4. Santy28

    Highlight one of duplicates base on values in another column

    Sort the data Selecting the range (Column A: Names & Column B: Age) with Names (A to Z) and Age with (Longest to Small).Once u sorted the data type Check in column c and in C2 type(=A2=A1) paste the same formula till end of data in column B. Apply filter and select False. There you go all the...