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Recent content by GB

  1. G

    Using Excel Solver to build rosters

    Thanks @p45cal I will try this and see how it goes. Cheers GB
  2. G

    Using Excel Solver to build rosters

    Hi @p45cal thanks for your help, much appreciated. In relation to Point 5 above (sorry not clear) - The "W" days must not be less than the "Daily Work Requirement", therefore if too many "O" days are given on a particular day then there is not enough staff to cover the work (W). I opened the...
  3. G

    Using Excel Solver to build rosters

    Hi All, reaching out again to see if anyone can help with the problem above. Any solver experts amongst the group? Regards GB
  4. G

    Using Excel Solver to build rosters

    Hi All, I have been trying to use Excel Solver to write what should be a simple solution but I do need assistance to get me started. My Goal is - create enough 28 day roster profiles (with work days and days off) that meet the following rules. Each roster line must: contain 8 days off in 4...
  5. G

    Find Max Date in consecutive days where multiple conditions the same.

    Hi Bosco, this is great. Thanks so much. regards GB
  6. G

    Find Max Date in consecutive days where multiple conditions the same.

    I am trying to write a formula from the data in columns A to E which finds the maximum "Date To" where a "Staff" is the same and "Activity Code" is the same in a consecutive run of days in "Date To" column, then place answer into the "End" column. I have provide the expected output in the "End"...
  7. G

    New =Filter formula

    Thanks for your help Chihiro. I antipated this could be solved in one formula. I can work with your suggestions. Cheers GB
  8. G

    New =Filter formula

    Following on from your help, I have a further problem which I have attempted to solve but can't find the correct method. I am trying to filter a table where I want to find all dates >G1 and return these dates with data from another column that has a table header name = F1. You will some...
  9. G

    New =Filter formula

    Hi @Peter Bartholomew & @Chihiro much appreciated. Regards GB
  10. G

    New =Filter formula

    I have been using the =Filter formula in Office 365 which is great but I am stuck on whether it is possible to display non contiguous columns. For example, I have a table and need to display column A and C in the output, not column B. Normally I can enter a range like...
  11. G

    Find a value in a range that is nearest and within +/- of another value

    Hi p45cal, also appreciate you taking the time to respond. Thank you regards GB
  12. G

    Find a value in a range that is nearest and within +/- of another value

    Hi Peter, appreciate your response. I haven't tried xlookup yet but you have given me something to work on. Thank you. Regards GB
  13. G

    Find a value in a range that is nearest and within +/- of another value

    Hi, I have partially solved a problem by finding the nearest value in a range (A2:A28) of another value (in cell C1) by using the following formula: {=INDEX($A$2:$A$28,MATCH(MIN(ABS($A$2:$A$28-$C$1)),ABS($A$2:$A$28-$C$1),0))} The part I am having trouble with to find the nearest value in a...
  14. G

    Array Formula Required?

    Hi, I am hoping someone can assist me in improving my formula (I think I need an array formula but am stuck on writing it). In the attachment I have a list of staff who request to move from their city to a choice of another 2 cities. My objective is increase my staff requirement by 3 in BNE...
  15. G

    Count Consecutive If

    Hi Narayan thanks for a great solution. I will test this thoroughly. Sorry for the slow reply. Regards GB