Excel School + Power Pivot
- 24hrs on Excel
- 24hrs on Power Pivot
- 8hrs on Dashboards
- Bonus materials, ebooks & guides
- Full HD downloads
- 12 months access
- 30 days guarantee
- All for $447
Excel School + Adv. Power Pivot
- 24hrs on Excel
- 16hrs on Adv. Power Pivot
- 8hrs on Dashboards
- Bonus materials, ebooks & guides
- Full HD downloads (For Excel School ONLY)
- 12 months access
- 30 days guarantee
- All for $547
Both Power Pivot courses
- 24hrs on Power Pivot
- 16hrs on Adv. Power Pivot
- Bonus materials, ebooks & guides
- Full HD Downloads (For Power Pivot ONLY)
- 12 months access
- 30 day guarantee
- All for $547
Excel School + Power Pivot + Adv. Power Pivot
- 24hrs on Excel
- 24hrs on Power Pivot
- 16hrs on Adv. Power Pivot
- 8hrs on Dashboards
- Lots of bonus materials, ebooks & guides
- Full HD downloads (for ES & PP only)
- 12 months access
- 30 day guarantee
- All for $747
All courses offer
Full HD Video viewing • 12 Months online access • 30 day money-back guarantee
Full HD Video viewing • 12 Months online access • 30 day money-back guarantee
The progression of the lessons and methodology used
to teach the courses is fantastic. Chandoo has put together
comprehensive Excel material that is easy to understand and clearly
provides all students with the skills to be an advanced Excel User. Thank You!!
– John Geiger
to teach the courses is fantastic. Chandoo has put together
comprehensive Excel material that is easy to understand and clearly
provides all students with the skills to be an advanced Excel User. Thank You!!
– John Geiger