Welcome to new Excel School, Say hello to your classmates…

Hi there,

Welcome to Excel School 2.0. This is so exciting. I am looking forward to interacting with you and helping you be awesome in Excel & your work. Before we jump in to the good bits, let’s take a minute to know each other.

Please say hello to your classmates with a brief intro.

I will go first…

My name is Chandoo. I will be your teacher for next howmanyever months. I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my wife (Jo) and twins (Nishanth & Nakshatra). I enjoying working with Excel, Power BI, programming (VBA, R, Python & M) and making pretty graphs. When I am not locked up inside a cell in a giant spreadsheet, I love to cycle, cook, walk, build things with lego, read or solve crosswords – not at the same time though. 

Here is a recent picture of Chandoo household.

Nakshatra, Nishant, Jo & Chandoo

All of us in Singapore, on our way to NZ after a holiday in India - Jan 2018

Your turn…

Go ahead and say hello. Posting family pictures is optional, but you are welcome to connect with wider Chandoo.org community thru Facebook.


Author: Chandoo

My name is Chandoo. I am going to make you awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI & Power Pivot and answering your questions. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. It is a beautiful, small city on the southern edge of the world. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here. I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 10 years old now. They are busy creating new worlds with lego bricks or playing or learning. We (Jo &I) are busy with cooking, eating, walking, talking and reading.

264 thoughts on “Welcome to new Excel School, Say hello to your classmates…”

  1. Hi
    Iam Mohamed from Somalia.
    I just enrolled this class and I hope will interact you one by one in the future.
    Since am finance professional I like excel sheet and my ambition is to learn further more

  2. Hi Chandooo community! I’m Alex. I’m really excited to be part of Chandooo products judging from few Excel videos I watched from him. Happy to wide my Excel skills with him. Thanks. Alex.

  3. hi everyone I’m mohamed from Egypt. I’m a civil engineer but really didn’t like it. so i’m here trying anther career. i’m so exicted about this new journey hopfully best of luck for you.
    please feel free to contact me & giving me some advices or feedbacks.

  4. hi I am Ambika from Virginia USA . I am new to banking domain i want to wide my knowledge in excel .
    looking forward happy to meet you all . good luck!

  5. Hell Everyone

    I’ve decided to boost my Excel skills with Chandoo’s class.
    If I’m not too lazy I will post some of my progress, I may also share some questions or so with you all.
    Let’s get better at Excel together.


  6. Hello Friends and Chandoo Sir,
    I am Balraj from India currently based in Dubai UAE. Not sure but I maybe the oldest student (56 years old) on this course but I have the enthusiasm of a small Kid to keep learning every day hence the reason I am here.

  7. Hello Everyone
    i am sangita from India.i did some classes from youtube and i liked it.so here i am.Please feel free to give me any advice on data analyst.

  8. Hello – I love to learn and am excited to learn more about Excel. My son recommended this class to me. It helped him advance his Excel skills. I look forward to doing the same!

  9. Hi Chandoo community, I’m Deepthi , I’m here to learn Excel as a part of my Data Analytics career and I’m very excited to learn excel and “excel” at my career !!

  10. Hi Chandoo community, I am Ali from Sweden and I am here to learn the coolest things and be effective in reporting statistics to my colleagues by the use of excel and dashboards.

  11. Hello everyone! I’m Zelly from Brazil, but I’ve been living with my family in New Zealand since last year. I’m in the process of career transition and I intend work like a data analyst as son as possible. I hope this course can help me in this journey. I’m very excited!!!! 🙂

  12. Hello Everyone,
    I am chintan I love excel want to be More productive, Analyze data, reports. to boost my profile I am here. I wish everyone success in their professional carriers. also a Big thank you to Chandoo Sir!

  13. Hi everyone,

    My name is Ornela.I am from India but currently staying in UK. I have recently joined a finance modelling team , hence , looking to pick up the analysis and advance excel pretty fast..any help or advise is appreciated.

  14. Hello Everyone!

    My name is Sohaib. I hope everyone is doing well & excited to learn Excel. My goal is to master Excel, Power BI, and its dashboards to become the best in the Data Analyst/Analytics field. 🙂

  15. Hi Everyone ,

    I am Shivam based out of India and recently joined an analyst team so I wanted to catch up on excel pretty fast and getter better in it

    All the best to everyone for their journey and let’s get better together!


  16. Hello friends, I am Prithvi (Red), originally from India, will move to Canada soon as a new immigrant. Looked up a few job listings and saw excel as a requisite for many of them, so signed up for this course.

  17. Hi Everyone.
    My name is Bambang Wijayanto. I am from Jakarta, Indonesia.
    I want to improve my Excel skill and I am so happy to join the course.
    Let’s learn together.

  18. Hi all excel enthusiasts

    I am Manoj Kumar from Cochin, India. I am a sales professional looking to extend my skills to present my sales data in a better and professional way and also help my colleagues do the same. Looking forward to a wonderful journey.

  19. Hey everyone
    I am Tauseef from India , just enrolled in this course to get proficient in using Excel and work as a freelancer in near future Insha Allah..

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