Hi there,
Welcome to Excel School 2.0. This is so exciting. I am looking forward to interacting with you and helping you be awesome in Excel & your work. Before we jump in to the good bits, let’s take a minute to know each other.
Please say hello to your classmates with a brief intro.
I will go first…
My name is Chandoo. I will be your teacher for next howmanyever months. I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my wife (Jo) and twins (Nishanth & Nakshatra). I enjoying working with Excel, Power BI, programming (VBA, R, Python & M) and making pretty graphs. When I am not locked up inside a cell in a giant spreadsheet, I love to cycle, cook, walk, build things with lego, read or solve crosswords – not at the same time though.
Here is a recent picture of Chandoo household.
Nakshatra, Nishant, Jo & Chandoo
Your turn…
Go ahead and say hello. Posting family pictures is optional, but you are welcome to connect with wider Chandoo.org community thru Facebook.
I’m Prashitha Dsa from Managlore, India. Looking forward to learn the Advanced Excel skills.
I am Mark from Minnesota, USA. I have followed Chandoo for years! I am excited that I have taken the plunge to gain better insights into Excel.
I’m Marty in Idaho, USA. I work at a call Center and have a team of 250+. I will be specifically interested in dashboards and running call center type reports.
Hi; I am Cathy in California. Looking to expand my Excel skills. Quite excited and terrified too lol.
Hi , I am Nandini from Mumbai, India. Very excited and keen to learn excel.
Hello ,I am Jacob, from Kenya. I have been following Chandoo for more than a decade n0w. Decided to get into class and refine my excel skills.
Hi, I am Mythili from Singapore. Very keen to learn and improve my excel skills and excel in my day2day tasks
Hello Everyone.
This is Umaer from Saudi Arabia. I have done my bachelors in IT and due to my intense passion towards business – currently a procurement manager. Recently done my Masters in Data Science and now moving towards it. Here to excel in Excel with the best course on the internet.
Thank you.
I’m Olivia from Arizona. I’m an executive assistant, looking to brush up some skills and learn some new ones to help me be a better asset to my boss.
Hello my name Manuel. I am very interested to increase and expand my knowledge of excel. I look forward to learning and being effective in the software.
Hello Everyone,
Happy learning!
I am working as a data analyst.Looking forward to brush up my excel skills.
Hello everyone, I am Marielle from Holland. I am so happy to finally dedicated myself to learn proper excel! It has been an underlying thoughts for years, no decades, hahaha. I just started my new financial administration job and I am keen to make the best impression ever!
See you soon!
Hi All,
I am Ganesh. Working in Gujarat, western part of India. My works involves handling lot of data regularly and consuming lot of nowadays. I watched lot of videos and Chandoo’s explanation of topics impressed me a lot. Hence I am super exicited to start my course with effect from today and learn with all of you. If not work, i spend time with my family, wife & son.
Hi everyone,
I’m Francisco from Bolivia. I’ve been living in Wageningen, The Netherlands, for six years.
I enjoy analyzing data. I’ve used excel a lot to manage large databases of forest inventories, monitor value chains in forest logging, and prepare project budget overview reports. Furthermore, I find this tool extremely powerful and necessary in every job. Despite having a lot of experience in using excel, my knowledge of this tool is essential and ‘archaic’ somehow, so I decided to improve my skills one step forward. My dream is to become a data analyst in a couple of years.
I’ve liked Chandoo’s style, his way of explaining things and the videos posted on his website, so these things convinced me to follow this course.
I’m Paul from the UK, currently living in Norway. I’ve been using Excel for many years and I finally thought that I should really try and master it!
Hi my name is Paul. I am excited to commence my learning journey with Chandoo. I stumbled across the website my accident and once I had a look at the style of presentation that Chandoo uses and the contents of his courses I was hooked. I am a veteran of the Aust ADF and have some health challenges that has given me time to explore what I want to accomplish. I have set my goals on helping other veterans Aust/NZ with setting up their business profiles on the web or through facebook. But before jumping into learning about webpage and facebook development I want to ensure that I have an appropriate level of knowledge so that can put a good back end to capture and mange and perform analytics using the information they will receive through their online presence. Please I would encourage anyone with interest in what I’m doing to reach out out and get in contact with me. So starts my new journey.
Hi ,
Im abhilash from India, excited to learn something new
Vincent from Canada, looking to be an Excel specialist & wow people with my skills.
Hi Everyone,
This is Amardeep from US. Looking to become Excel NINJA!
Good luck!
Hi Everyone,
I am Firdaus, I am an FP&A Manager by profession. I work for a software company that sells data analytics software licenses.
Looking forward to learning all the cool excel features to build dynamic automated dashboards.
I am Fekadu Asrat, currently based in UAE working as Finance controller.
I have been using Excel for long time, but I still need to learn more.
I only start following Chandoo very recently but really impressed how he can deliver his Excel knowledge.
So I love to learn Excel to the higher level from Chandoo experience and this platform.
I am Ronald kalai selvan from Tamil nadu,working as a parts lead manager in Automobile Industry. Looking forward to be a Excel specialist and improve my analytical skills.
Good luck.
Hello, I am Rajwinder Kaur. I am a fresh to learn excel . I am excited and little bit nervous about my new journey in Data Science.
Hi Everyone
I am Theophilus from Great Britain, starting a new journey in becoming an analyst, I hope my aims will be accomplished over here.
Hello everyone,
I am Jayesh Mehta, residing in Sydney, Australia. Currently working as an E Commerce Coordinator. However, I am also a Chef by trade. Looking forward to getting comfortable with Excel to facilitate a career change. Thanks
I am Piera from Italy and I am looking forward to becoming good at Excel.
Hey everyone! Uday here from New Delhi, India. I’m super excited to be a member of this community and can’t wait to get better at Excel!
Hello! This’s Esraa `Hamad, I’m currently working as Business Analyst
Hi everyone,
I am L. M. Gregory HILAIRE, living in Delmas, Haïti. Currently working as an HR Director for ACME SA and Project Manager for SOHO CONSULTING GROUP. However, I am also a solution provider for micro entreprenor working in the informal sector. Looking forward to get Excel Skills to facilitate data production and analysis for my clients.
Hi everyone! I’m Joey from Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Roll Tide!). I have been following Chandoo for sometime now and am very excited to go on this journey with each and everyone of you! I’m in the middle of an acquisition my employer has made where there exists two separate databases and now the fun begins to cleanup one and import into the other (without duplications! LOL!). So, I felt this should help in going on this journey at work.
Take care all!