Welcome to new Excel School, Say hello to your classmates…

Hi there,

Welcome to Excel School 2.0. This is so exciting. I am looking forward to interacting with you and helping you be awesome in Excel & your work. Before we jump in to the good bits, let’s take a minute to know each other.

Please say hello to your classmates with a brief intro.

I will go first…

My name is Chandoo. I will be your teacher for next howmanyever months. I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my wife (Jo) and twins (Nishanth & Nakshatra). I enjoying working with Excel, Power BI, programming (VBA, R, Python & M) and making pretty graphs. When I am not locked up inside a cell in a giant spreadsheet, I love to cycle, cook, walk, build things with lego, read or solve crosswords – not at the same time though. 

Here is a recent picture of Chandoo household.

Nakshatra, Nishant, Jo & Chandoo

All of us in Singapore, on our way to NZ after a holiday in India - Jan 2018

Your turn…

Go ahead and say hello. Posting family pictures is optional, but you are welcome to connect with wider Chandoo.org community thru Facebook.


Author: Chandoo

My name is Chandoo. I am going to make you awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI & Power Pivot and answering your questions. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. It is a beautiful, small city on the southern edge of the world. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here. I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 10 years old now. They are busy creating new worlds with lego bricks or playing or learning. We (Jo &I) are busy with cooking, eating, walking, talking and reading.

265 thoughts on “Welcome to new Excel School, Say hello to your classmates…”

  1. Hello everyone, i am so happy and excited to join this community of professionals trying to improve their skills, my name is jose salgado, i am from Mexico, 45 years old and with a beautiful family composed by my wife and two sons, i enjoy studying and researching why things happen, intellectually curious, i believe data analysis provides a deep framework to draw evidence and make more inforned decisions, thank you and God Bless.

  2. Hello Everyone, I am happy to join the Excel School and really excited to learn and up my skills in Excel and put it to good use to analyze data. I am from Bangalore, India. I have a beautiful wife and two wonderful children, elder one is a daughter and the younger one is a son. Thank you.

  3. Hello from Michigan, USA!
    I am an operations professional working in health care, and a more “seasoned” (code word for a bit older worker) who is always looking to learn more. Health care is full of data and bringing this data together to create dashboards is critical to monitoring the business and reporting to leadership how awesome your team is doing. Can’t wait to dive into this learning and expand on my limited knowledge.

  4. Hello all! I’m looking forward to diving into this excel school. I currently live in Texas, but have previously lived in Illinois, Ohio, California, and Guadalajara Mexico. I work in operations and analytics in the tech industry, and looking to polish up my dashboard and advanced analytics skills (versus just hacking my way through things via Google searches!).

  5. I am semi-retired and enjoy problem solving and designing systems and processes. The ever evolving enhancements to Excel have passed my working knowledge, and I am wanting to equip myself with the fulness of applications this amazing software provides.

  6. Hi, I’m Cathy, I live in New Zealand, I’m retired from working as a building estimator. I’ve used Excel ever since version 1, some time in the late 1980’s. Now I’ve got time to play, I’m interested in dashboards and ways of using Excel for simple and database publishing.

  7. Hello everyone, i am so happy and excited to join this community trying to improve my skills.

    My name is Hisham, i am from Malaysia, 45 years old.

    I also here striving to better my skills on Excel, happy to be here and hope we learn a lot.

  8. hello, I’m Lorgia from Texas, USA. I’m very excited to be part of this community and eager to improve my skills. Always looking for a better way to improve my process.

  9. Hello! My name is Roberto. I live in California. I’m excited to learn excel and build data analysis skills. Hopefully this course helps me going from an amateur excel user to pro 🙂

  10. Hello,
    Before I start, chandoo has great info and courses and is easy to follow. I started the review, and there is a lot of info.
    This is Narayan from New Jersey, and I work in healthcare(Data review and analytics). I love Excel; I want to develop a tool using power BI and have all these, i.e., Dashboards, power queries, and Pivot tables, but I am not a great programmer, and if anyone wants to help, please let me know and we can discuss it.


  11. Hello Everyone, am Fredrick from Kenya. Am very happy to join this resourceful community to learn and better our skills in excel . Thanks.

  12. Chris M Product Manager from the U.S.. Learned so much from your helpful YouTube videos and am happy to enroll in classes to learn topics more thoroughly and look forward to new classes and expanded content.

  13. Hello everyone, hello Chandoo!
    I’m 28 and wanting to re-skill as a data analyst post covid. I’ve found some of your youtube videos and they’re all super insightful and helpful, that’s why I decided to enroll.
    I wish everyone a successful journey ahead. I’m super excited myself!

  14. Hello~ I’m Sheri, I’m in the states and I’m a Business Ops Manager in the subscription services arena. I’m OK with excel, but wanted to get more than OK :)… and then move on to other analyst skills. Very excited to learn new skills. I have sent each of my team to Chandoo to brush up on their own skillsets as well.

  15. Hello Everyone !
    Excited to be part of this group and learn.
    I am 31, from Mumbai, India. I am a Chartered Accountant and CFA (US) Level III Candidate. I am joining this course to enhance my Financial Analysis Skills.


  16. Hello ! I am Aban from Mumbai, India. I have been using excel for analytics for a while now and I am here to learn some of the cooler stuff that I might not know yet. Looking forward to the learning 🙂

  17. Long time listener … First time caller 🙂

    Enjoy learning and enjoy Excel hope to have more items in the portfolio to share with others.

    I also enjoy soccer, and enjoy grilling on the patio.



  18. Hello everyone,

    My name is Thu. I am a Business Analyst working in Tampa, Florida, USA. I hope this course will help enhance my data analysis and data presentation skills.

    Thank you.

  19. Hi all,

    My name is Chris and I am located in Washington DC. I am a Project Manager working for a non-profit and want to improve my Excel skills. Nice to meet everyone and look forward to interacting with you all!

  20. Hello

    My name is Nicholas, and I am a chartered accountant in Ottawa, Canada. Very much looking forward to this course – there is always something new to learn in Excel.

  21. Hey guys!
    Just starting Excel as a complete beginner. I came to understand what potential Excel has through Purna’s podcast, and through this ted-talk by @Felienne about Excel being Programming.
    I am pitching for a start-up idea on the 18th of January for which I will try to use excel from this course to present my data on the pitch deck.
    Looking forward to giving it a shot.
    Perceval Fayon

  22. I am Srini from Bengaluru, India. Want to enhance my skills in excel as I have moved to a challenging role. Excited to explore new learnings in Excel and Power BI course.

  23. Hi, I’m from Atlanta, GA in the US. I’m excited to continue learning and taking excel to the next level. I have a new job which also requires me to know tableau and SQL. Power BI is also coming in the horizon.
    I also enjoy cooking, woodworking and leisure cycling. Please to meet everyone.

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