Welcome to new Excel School, Say hello to your classmates…

Hi there,

Welcome to Excel School 2.0. This is so exciting. I am looking forward to interacting with you and helping you be awesome in Excel & your work. Before we jump in to the good bits, let’s take a minute to know each other.

Please say hello to your classmates with a brief intro.

I will go first…

My name is Chandoo. I will be your teacher for next howmanyever months. I live in Wellington, New Zealand with my wife (Jo) and twins (Nishanth & Nakshatra). I enjoying working with Excel, Power BI, programming (VBA, R, Python & M) and making pretty graphs. When I am not locked up inside a cell in a giant spreadsheet, I love to cycle, cook, walk, build things with lego, read or solve crosswords – not at the same time though. 

Here is a recent picture of Chandoo household.

Nakshatra, Nishant, Jo & Chandoo

All of us in Singapore, on our way to NZ after a holiday in India - Jan 2018

Your turn…

Go ahead and say hello. Posting family pictures is optional, but you are welcome to connect with wider Chandoo.org community thru Facebook.


Author: Chandoo

My name is Chandoo. I am going to make you awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI & Power Pivot and answering your questions. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. It is a beautiful, small city on the southern edge of the world. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here. I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 10 years old now. They are busy creating new worlds with lego bricks or playing or learning. We (Jo &I) are busy with cooking, eating, walking, talking and reading.

265 thoughts on “Welcome to new Excel School, Say hello to your classmates…”

  1. Hi everyone! Julius here. Currently a senior in college studying Finance and Management. Realized my excel skills are not that strong so I decided to do something about it. Looking forward to enhance my skills. Nice meeting all of you.

  2. Hi everyone,

    My name is Cindy Cook. I live about 30 miles from Nashville, Tennessee. I’m a Financial analyst for a non-profit company in Nashville. I’ve self taught in excel for the past 20 years. I decided it was time to level up my skills. I’m every excited to learn new ways to use excel to make my daily job easier and improve my skills for the future.

  3. Hello,
    My name is Madina. I live in Boston, MA. I am financial coordinator. We use excel a lot. I was using youtube a lot, but it is the time to increase my excel knowledge. I think i will be here for while.

    1. Hi fellow students and Chandoo, thank you for working together on this class. Like most, I am self taught with the exception of a few lessons on industry specific tasks with excel. I don’t feel as confident as I should while working because I would like to know more than necessary. I look forward to learning and growing more comfortable with excel and finding out what capabilities it has that I have never dreamed of.

  4. Hello, this is Santi, from Spain. I can’t wait to get started with this course! My Excel skills need to improve a lot and I feel this is the right place.

  5. Hi All,
    This is Shagufta from UK, I am working as a Real Time Analyst for almost 3 years now, have been housewife for 13 years before starting to work. I have self learned Excel but as I want to grow in my career, I realise I should learn and excel in Excel. My ex-manager told me about chandoo when I was leaving my first job almost 8 months ago. My current manager is also a big follower of chandoo. Hence, I am here to learn from chandoo to be able to build reports, analyse and present data.

  6. Hello, I am Robert. I live in the northeast U.S. I have always enjoyed using excel, and have reached a point where I am tired of spinning my wheels trying to do different functions, and learning is a good thing, so here I am.

  7. Hi all,

    I am a quality manager for a boss that is a financial analyst. In an attempt to speak the same language and bolster a new skill set, I have signed up for Excel School!

  8. Hi All,
    I am Krishnaa from India.I know Excel bits n pieces,I want my self to be proficient in Excel.So I enrolled myself to this course.

  9. Hello from North Carolina. I look forward to exploring the power of Power BI. I work as an Analyst for Novant Health. When I am not working, I enjoy Crossfit, Golf and time with the family. Good luck with your learning journey, I will see you on the other side. Cheers!

  10. Hi, I’m from Mid-Michigan and work as a Financial Analyst with the State of Michigan. I use Excel daily but know there is a lot more to learn to make my job easier. I am also enrolled in the BI course. Good luck to all.

  11. Hi, My name is Gina Laureta and I’m from San Diego. I’m a finance professional and I work for a government non profit. I’ve been following Chandoo for sometime now and I’m excited to try his lessons.

  12. Hi Everyone,
    I am now retired, at least I though I was, I seem to be busier than when I was working. I work for a few voluntary organisations keeping their books and performing the treasurers role.
    I initially enrolled to complete the excel courses many years ago when Chandoo was starting up and really enjoyed the course and learned a lot. I am now returning to brush up those skills and take on the challenges presented by the new course.

  13. Hi Everyone,
    I am Devanshi from India. I am working as a Line producer for VFX industry & wish to upgrade my skills in excel to make my work easier and get huge data together. A friend recommended Chandoo’s excel school.

  14. HI there,

    I’m a 56 year old building some solid skills in Excel. I’m from Bolivia but have become a Canadian citizen many years ago. I work in finance.

  15. Hello,

    My nickname is Gib, and I am from Texas in the USA. I have my own business as a property tax consultant and am looking forward to improving my excel skills. Thanks!

  16. Hello everyone,

    I’m engaging into a career change and trying to join the financial field. I know Excel is a major tool for financial professionals and I want to put myself in a better position to succeed by mastering it. Everyone sounds great and I look forward to learning more about everyone.

    Carl Citchen

  17. Hi there, my name is Juan from Chile (southAmerica). I’m actually working in a software company at the customer success team, so do I need to improve my excel skills for reports and BI.

  18. Hi everyone, I’m currently in the UK and hoping to make career change, this is my first step, I looking forward at an amazing journey starting here.
    see you all around .

  19. Hi Everyone, I am Ritika. I am here to improve my excel skills and learn new things about Excel because I feel it will be very useful to me in the near future.

  20. Hi, my name is Alicia and I have always been fascinated with Excel. Thanks to one of Chandroo you tube videos, I was able to quickly learn vlookup and ever since I have been utilizing the excel quick guides and other tools that was posted on his site. I am excited to get ahead and learn other techniques that Excel offers

  21. Hello Everyone,
    My short name is Bhagi, NZ citizen currently working as a GM Merchandising & Procurement in Papua New Guinea’s largest retail chain…………… I am sure I will upgrade my excel skills through this class. Thanks to Chandoo & team

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