Welcome, Say hello to your classmates

Hello there,

Welcome to Chando.org Online Classroom. Please bookmark this page. You will be visiting it often in the next 6 months.

Few notices:

  • I have created separate pages for accessing your lessons and downloading content. Please take a minute and explore the links on sidebar area.
  • Go ahead and introduce yourself. Tell us your name, what you do and how you are planning to use Chandoo.org classes.
  • Join our Excel School Alumni Linkedin Group. Get connected with other students

Know your teacher:

Purna Duggirala - Your TeacherHi all, My name is Chandoo. Well, actually, my name is Purna Duggirala. But my friends and family members call me Chandoo. You too can call me that.

I will be teaching you Excel, VBA, Power Pivot for the next 6 months and answering your questions.

I live in Visakhapatnam, India. It is a small town in the south east cost of India. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here.

I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 3 years old now. And very busy running, ruining and rampaging around the house.

You can ask any questions related to class thru comments on that topic. You are also welcome to email me and share your experiences about our classes. Please write to me at chandoo.d@gmail.com.

What you should do Next?

Now your turn

Go ahead and say hello to rest of the class. 🙂

Author: Chandoo

My name is Chandoo. I am going to make you awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI & Power Pivot and answering your questions. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. It is a beautiful, small city on the southern edge of the world. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here. I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 10 years old now. They are busy creating new worlds with lego bricks or playing or learning. We (Jo &I) are busy with cooking, eating, walking, talking and reading.

1,201 thoughts on “Welcome, Say hello to your classmates”

  1. I’m an accounting manager and have used Excel for years but always felt like I knew only the surface. For example, I just recently learned sumifs and it’s revolutionized the way I connect spreadsheets and data. How many more functions like that have I been missing?

    It’s interesting to see how many different nationalities come to this class, yet we have one thing in common–we want Excel awesomeness!

  2. Hello My name is George Becerra, I am from South of México, I worked in some Business Consulting Firms and Excel was a powerful tool for us. I am taking this course because I want to improve my knowledge in Excel, mainly VBA Knowledge and KPI Boards development. In other hand I want to analize faster the data of companies.

  3. Hello All,

    This is Sunil Sharma. I qualified Chartered Accountant from Australia and work as Management accountant and financial planning lead. I am using Excel for last 4-5 years and would like to take my skills to more advanced level to analyse the data faster and to add more value to business and myself.


  4. I found your site after searching for an Excel forum that can solve my problem at that time. I tried few forums like ExcelForum, Mr Excel etc etc and the answer from you was the best. Then I started to dig in what it is Chandoo then I realize it is you, your great work and dedication to teaching. Thanks, now I just bought your course and I am feeling to be in good hands to learn VBA. Thanks

  5. Hi This Arul Murugan Chartered Accountant from Chennai.I am using excel so many years still i feel that I need to learn lot . My friend Murugesh has recommended you and hope that will learn lot from you.


    Arul Murugan

  6. Hi All

    I am Ivan. Excited to join this class! After I have spent some times reading the excellent blogs I have really thought this class could help me. In fact, I hope I can get through that to next level in Excel. Right now, excel work takes me way too much time. Further, I am interested in data visualization and thus I am also keen to get started with the dashboard content…but one step after the other.. 🙂

  7. Hello everyone,

    My name is Lori and I am from Canada. I work in the finance department of the municipal government in the city I live in. Although I had taken college spreadsheet courses, I found that there were many skills I was still lacking with excel. My manager suggested I check out this website and so I signed up for Excel School. I am excited to get started and be able to learn how to analyze data much more efficiently after I complete this course.

    Have a great day! 🙂

  8. Hello, My name is Floria. I work as a collateral analyst in a boutique regional bank at Atlanta in the U.S.
    I have been using Excel at work in the past few years. My job is to analyze financial reports submitted by the clients, more to verify the reports to make sure that the reported numbers are correct. The clients usually are fluent in Excel and submit the ‘polished’ Excel version already. I feel that I need to be a lot more knowledgeable in Excel so I can analyze the ‘source’ documents instead of verifying the reports which were worked on by the clients. I did some research online. Although there are many resources online, I tend to learn better when there is structure in the class and is step by step and well-organized. I am also goal-oriented so this course should suit me well. I am very excited and am eager to improve my Excel skill. Nice to meet all of you 🙂

  9. Hi firends This is Kalyan.I am using excel so many years still i feel that I need to learn more. one of My friend has recommended chandoo.org



  10. My name is Peter Blanco. I am an accountant and I have worked with Excel for a long time, but I decided that I wanted to be a true Excel User. My job is going to be a lot easier when I know the in and out of this program. I am looking forward to the journey.

  11. Hi, my name is Lori and I live in Michigan, USA. I work for a pharmaceutical company. I want to learn all I can about excel, dashboards and VBA to help me get a new job. I know enough to use Excel but definitely not even close to what their is to learn I found Chandoo by searching the internet for excel classes. I am excited to become “awesome” in excel.


  12. Hi All, my name is Lisa James and i live in Townsville Qld, Australia. I work for the Government and have always thought i had OK Excel skills until i came across Chandoo. I knew i was a self-proclaimed ‘geek’ when i saved his page as my favourite and used in every day. Was so excited to start this coarse.

  13. Hi Everyone, My name is ArunKumar and I am basically from Chennai now living in San Carlos, California. I am here on my work visa as a business analyst. Though I have the experience of working in Excel for so many years, however, I feel like I still need to learn plenty in Excel. Therefore, I have subscribed to this excel course and looking forward to start learning everything right from the scratch.

  14. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Ravindra and I live in Bangalore. I am always keen to learn new technologies, automate, build things and take things apart as well :). I have been following Chandoo’s blog/site for sometime and was interested in building dashboards and automation. I hope this course will help in meeting my objectives and
    also help others in getting more from Excel

    Wishing everyone the best!!

  15. Hi Everyone,

    My name is István Kovács and I live in Budapest. I work as a market researcher/analyst currently in the field of tobacco, but have been working in food and other areas too. I am not an Excel-beginner, yet my knowledge is a bit chaotic, so I will use this course to organize the things in my head in neat little structure. Of course there might be many things which I still do not know, so I would like to fill those gaps too.

  16. Hello Chandoo. My name is Brett Thomason and I live in Sun Valley, Idaho. I am working for a mid-sized manufacturer in the area and currently designing, developing, and implementing a Sugar CRM system. I have been running into issues with the Sugar CRM Reporting function. It is very limited and very static. Additionally, I want to be able to pull data from our ERP system and integrate it with the data from the CRM system to be able to provide management with dynamic RELEVANT data that one can use and adds value. Doing some research, it seems like this would be possible with Excel and the new PowerPivot/BI. I did more research and kept coming across you and references to you. So, that is why I am taking this course. I am looking forward to learning a how to use these new tools and a new set of skills and put them to use in what I am trying to do for our company.

  17. Hi. My name is Eileen and I work for a large corporation in Cincinnati, OH. My department creates lots of data reports. I signed up for the Dashboard training so I can learn how to bring “insights” to users versus just data. I’m looking forward to learning via this online course.

  18. Hi, my name is Timo and I work for a small company doings lot’s of stuff with data. Excel always has been there and will be there, although we started working with gsheets lately. Last year the Ctrl-Shift-L short cut for filters showed, that my skills did not develop in the last years and this should change with this course, esp. looking forward to the VBA part.

  19. Hello,

    my name is Fernando and I am working for Amazon as manager. The company data driven and I implemented several excel files to make our work easier. However, everything that I have been doing was learnt through some videos, previous experiences and asking for help. With this course I want to take a step forward in my knowledge and keep enjoying working with Excel and VBA.

  20. Hi,

    I’m Divisha Joe. I work as an Analyst for a Crown Entity in New Zealand. Knowing my love for Excel, my sister gifted the Excel School + Dashboard + VBA course for Christmas. Chandoo held a Dashboard course in my city (Wellington) which I was unable to attend, so I am excited about the online Dashboard course. I also want wet my figures in VBA course. Next step the 50 ways to Analyse course. 🙂


  21. Hello! I had been working as software engineer at Chicago company and recently quit job to get some break and spend quality time with my family. I have used excel very little at work and never have taken any classes to learn it. Now that I am home wanted learn more excel and find job where this knowledge can be made use of. So here I am at chandoo’s excel school. I am looking forward to learn from all of you.

  22. Hello, my name is Geza Barnabas Path. I live in Claremont, California, and am an energy consultant. Like others I have been using Excel for many years but wish to become more adept as a power user. What I do NOT want to do is spend an excessive amount of time on areas that I may only use infrequently.

  23. Hello,
    This is Praful Jadhav and I am working in a IT company as Service Operations manager. I have been working with excel for sometime now for day to day analysis of team performance or various data analysis, however finding it very difficult to automate and ease some tasks. That’s what I am looking for in this training program.

  24. Hi,

    This is Abu from Los Angeles, California. I am an Engineer + Lawyer+ MBA and have been using Excel for more than 10 years but in the default mode…. my interns used to do it for me and I happily stayed away from the excel grid. But now I am making a conscious effort,falling asleep midway on most occasions BUT will master this beast.

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