Welcome, Say hello to your classmates

Hello there,

Welcome to Chando.org Online Classroom. Please bookmark this page. You will be visiting it often in the next 6 months.

Few notices:

  • I have created separate pages for accessing your lessons and downloading content. Please take a minute and explore the links on sidebar area.
  • Go ahead and introduce yourself. Tell us your name, what you do and how you are planning to use Chandoo.org classes.
  • Join our Excel School Alumni Linkedin Group. Get connected with other students

Know your teacher:

Purna Duggirala - Your TeacherHi all, My name is Chandoo. Well, actually, my name is Purna Duggirala. But my friends and family members call me Chandoo. You too can call me that.

I will be teaching you Excel, VBA, Power Pivot for the next 6 months and answering your questions.

I live in Visakhapatnam, India. It is a small town in the south east cost of India. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here.

I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 3 years old now. And very busy running, ruining and rampaging around the house.

You can ask any questions related to class thru comments on that topic. You are also welcome to email me and share your experiences about our classes. Please write to me at chandoo.d@gmail.com.

What you should do Next?

Now your turn

Go ahead and say hello to rest of the class. 🙂

Author: Chandoo

My name is Chandoo. I am going to make you awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI & Power Pivot and answering your questions. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. It is a beautiful, small city on the southern edge of the world. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here. I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 10 years old now. They are busy creating new worlds with lego bricks or playing or learning. We (Jo &I) are busy with cooking, eating, walking, talking and reading.

1,201 thoughts on “Welcome, Say hello to your classmates”

  1. Hello Everyone,

    Let me introduce myself. I am Karteek Telikicherla, working for a Consulting Company in Bangalore. Being an active user of excel, i would like to gain maximum from this course and hope emerge as someone who can create magic using excel.

    I would like to be interactive and hope to make myself useful in providing inputs about my work and experience if asked for. So, do not hesitate and keep posting.


  2. Hello All,

    I currently work as an analyst in a large public company, and would like to start developing excel applications to improve efficiencies in my department. I am very excited to join the VBA class and look forward to becoming awesome in excel, data analysis, excel development, etc..

  3. Hi,

    Excel is a major part of our business and so I plan to learn as much as I can about the tool. The ability to make informed decisions based on data analysis cannot be overstated in our business.



  4. Hello everyone,

    I am a student at Rutgers Business school and a member of BASE. I am taking this course to make me more efficient at teaching an excel course we offer at my school. As well as increasing my practical knowledge of excel.

  5. Hello Everyone

    Happy weekend to all

    My name is Heena Asnani. Working as Team Lead operations in a Bank. I havvebeen using excel and vbs automations developed by the engineering teams.
    From this course I expect to learn and be able to master the excel skills.Be able to apply the knowledge at my workplace and improve effeciency

  6. Hello All,

    I currently working in a MNC as chartered accountant and would like to learn & developing excel applications so as to improve my performance along with my team. I am very excited to join chandoo class and look forward to becoming awesome in excel.

  7. Hi Chandoo and fellow excel students! I’m currently working in an INGO as a Business Analyst. I’m really looking forward to improving my excel skills through this online class, and I hope to contribute more to our organization after taking this course.

  8. Hello Everyone,

    I recently joined a diagnostics company as Business Analyst. Prior to this, I have worked as Sales Operations Analyst in a health care industry and credit analyst in Banking sector.

    I have used excel all through my career. But I still feel there is scope to improve my existing excel skills. I also want to learn VBA which will help me automate much of the work that I do. Looking forward to the course at Chandoo.org.

  9. Hi Everyone,

    My name is Tian Xi. You can call me Tina. I was born in Hubei Province, middle part of China. I am currently working in Singapore for a financial software company.

    I come across Chandoo.org while I was trying to search for some Excel and VBA function advice. I found that the introduction is very detailed and very useful, which make me trust this Chandoo in India to become my excel and VBA teacher.

    Looking forward to an awesome journey ahead and the same for all of you.


  10. Hi Everyone,

    I am Harihara Vignesh,from Coimbatore,Tamilnadu..I was working as a purchase manager in Seychelles in retail field..Now I am turning my attention towards Data analytics as it will be very useful for my future..

    In my zone suggestions pointed chandoo.org is the best to groom me up well in excel..

    All the best for awesome future…


  11. Hello All,

    My name is Vikram Venkatesan working in an IT lifecycle assurance company in Chennai, Few years back I was thinking why are people so crazy about excel, Back then excel was a tool where you entered numbers just to ensure you get through the audit process & it had huge limitations based on my experience with excel. Got deployed in projects where I realized excel had huge potential as a tool & it could make life easy. To understand the true potential of excel I’m here. I just want to learn whatever I could from all the people from various background & ensure I take this experience to pass on the knowledge to others.

    Thanks Chandoo for creating this wonderful opportunity for me & others.

    Note: I registered for this course in November 2015 got stuck with projects & events so i’m just getting started buddies, Kindly bear with me as i might end up asking questions which were already answered. Now on i’ll be an active member in this group.


    Vikram Venkatesan

  12. Hello Everyone,

    My name is Sandeep Sawant. I am working with leading MNC bank in Mumbai. To be precise look after the operations and juggling with voluminous excel data day in day out. The very purpose for opting this course to make myself very proficient and more discipline in managing excel skill sets.
    Looking forward to get excel in excel.


  13. Hello All,

    My Name is Abdul. I am working in an MNC in Kerala. I am part of automation team in my Company and would like to explore more about VBA from this class.


  14. Hi All, My name is Abdul, working in an MNC in Cochin. I am part of Automation Team and joined this class with an intention to explore more on automation. I am fan of Chandoo.org and trust this class will be help me in my career.


  15. Hello everyone, my name is Olutayo. I am a Nigerian with a passion for excellence and efficiency in all I do. I am a senior consultant with one of the largest oil marketing companies in Nigeria. This role involves high end data analytic and modelling skills. It is my belief that Chandoo will make me an Awesome Excel Guru which would in turn boost my productivity at work.


  16. Hello everyone!

    I have been wanting to really learn VBA for quite some time and I am excited to finally learn from Chandoo. I am a finance professional with over 15 years of experience of using Excel but I am always looking to learn. I’ve picked up some VBA scripts here and there by google searching but I always wanted to learn the fundamentals and hopefully build scripts on my own. Looking forward to learning not only from Chandoo but from everyone else.

    All the best,

  17. Hi

    I am Lakshminarayana.J My friends call me Lakshmi or lakme.

    I joined this course to enhance my excel skills and become awesome excel user. I use excel extensively daily but it is not everything in Excel. I believe there is so much potential in Excel and if we can do 50% of it our lives can be 100 % more productive and that is motive behind me taking this course

  18. Hi Everyone,

    I am Chaitanya Mohan, People who know me call me chaitu others call me Chaitanya or Mohan.
    I have been on the search for good online excel tutorial for sometime and came across this blog and found it really interesting and thought should give a try. Want to get in depth understanding of the concepts and keep practicing and apply.

    mohan chaitanya

  19. Hi Everyone,
    I am Vikram. I am 50 years old, currently working as Executive Director Finance at Quality Group in Tanzania. I am interested in Financial Modeling and want to improve my Excel Skills.

  20. Hello everyone,

    I’m Nick, I live and work in the UK where I’m the Financial Controller of a subsidiary of a large Multi-National.
    I’ve been a big fan of Chandoo and his lessons for a long time. His enthusiasm for Excel exceeds even mine and I’ve learned a lot from his e-mails.
    The reason for taking the course is to learn about VBA and “peek behind the curtain” of Excel.

    Best regards,


  21. My name is Maria Rhona Pinto – proud Indian but for most part living in the USA. My role is of a Fleet Finance Supervisor for a shipping company – I see a lot of opportunities and the best way would be to automate and optimize. My end goal is to learn VBA – have been reading some great thing about “Chandoo Chandoo” all over the place for sometime now and decided to finally check and experience for myself and learn from the BEST.

    Looking forward to Excel my EXCEL SKILLs

    Good luck to everyone

  22. Dear Colleagues and mentors,

    My Name is Guruprasad Deotale.
    I am working with one of the Global top 10 IT Consultancy as a Consultant.

    Whilst Excel as a tool /product is evolving, it is making us realize about the need to keep in pace with fast changing capabilities and need of the professional world.
    My objective of joining the classes is to asses my capabilities and skills, realize the improvement potential.
    First On line lesson was good beginning to start the things from basic .Thanks to you and team for all your efforts to make us learn.

    Thanks & Regards

  23. Hello All,

    My name is Amy Ng and I’m located in sunny California. Excited to join the class and so looking forward to learning from all of you. Interesting to see so many of us from all over the world with all different job responsibilities.

    I am a relatively new Sales Operations Director in a manufacturing company and am most keen to learn data analysis.

    Amy Ng

  24. Hi! I’m Paul (my friends and family call me Peryno). I live and work in Atlanta. I have been a long time follower of Chandoo’s web site and podcasts but this is the first time I’ve signed up for a class. In my previous job I did some data analysis for a Physician Staffing Agency and while I utilized Excel it was always the same formulas and data manipulation skills. I wanted to stretch out and challenge myself so I just changed jobs (same industry), and now I am an Operational Analyst with more complex job requirements. My new company is looking to me to tell them how we can reach our goals by analyzing our current processes. I’m taking the 50 Ways class so I can add to my Excel toolbox and I’m confident this class will help me. I’m looking forward to sharing the experience with my obviously talented classmates.

    Happy Learning,


  25. Hello All,

    My name is Biswa currently pursuing MBA from Xavier’s Institute of Management. I have a work-ex of 34 months in defence sector prior to joining MBA.

    I realized the importance of data analysis be in marketing, finance and even in HR analytics.
    My objective for joining the course is to enhance my data analysis capabilities and skills.

    Thanks & regards,

  26. Hello everyone,

    My name is Bryan Broomfield. I have an MBA from Pepperdine University. I have worked as a Finance Manager/Senior Financial Analyst for the last ten years. I live in Los Angeles right now, but I am aspiring to move to Atlanta by Spring 2017. I have worked with Excel and MS Access over 10 years. I would like to continue mastering my excel skills and advance into a career in data science & analytics utilizing T-SQL, Excel, and PowerPivot. I have taken Chandoo’s Powerpivot Basic and Advanced classes.

  27. Hi Everyone,

    My name is Gregory Lam and I currently work as a Business Analyst for a Industrial Gas company in Arizona. I am taking this course to become a better analyst and learn everything Excel has to offer.

  28. Hi Everyone,

    My name is Deepanker Anand. I was born and brought-up in New Delhi, India. But then for work i moved to London and then to Vinadelmar, Chile, South America. I work for a Data Analytics consulting MNC in Chile for last two years. i have total of 6 years of experience and by qualification i am an MBA and Btech. I am taking this course to brush up my excel and vba knowledge, learn about dash-boarding and learn new data analytics skills using excel. Feel free to connect with me on skype: dkanand86 or email: dkanand86@gmail.com, thanks


  29. Hello everyone,

    My name is Deborah and I live off the coast of Florida in the United States. I discovered Chandoo’s training site a long time ago, but have never taken any of his courses. I came to a point in my career where it was time to dig in and learn advanced Excel, until I realized my idea of intermediate Excel skills may not quite match up to Chandoo’s. So here I sit learning the entry to intermediate levels of Excel before I can learn the advanced stuff. I have attempted for years to introduce the idea of dashboards, quality measures, some form of analytics to my place of work, and failed.

    Until I can impress my superiors with awesome presentations as aids when explaining my ideas, I need first to be awesome in Excel.

    Thank you Chandoo for your sincerity in saying you will help us reach our techinical goals.


  30. Good morning friends! My name is Shankar N. I was born and grew up in Mumbai and now I am migrated to Auckland, New Zealand for past 13 years and was working in Operations and Logistics. Due to restructre in the organisation and the time I have now, I had an opportunity to learn and upgrade in excel to improve efficiencies which will be useful in my career path. I hope that I’ll be able to meet these challenges and I am very excited to join the online class and look forward to becoming awesome in excel, data analysis which can help me back to work. Thank you!

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