Welcome, Say hello to your classmates

Hello there,

Welcome to Chando.org Online Classroom. Please bookmark this page. You will be visiting it often in the next 6 months.

Few notices:

  • I have created separate pages for accessing your lessons and downloading content. Please take a minute and explore the links on sidebar area.
  • Go ahead and introduce yourself. Tell us your name, what you do and how you are planning to use Chandoo.org classes.
  • Join our Excel School Alumni Linkedin Group. Get connected with other students

Know your teacher:

Purna Duggirala - Your TeacherHi all, My name is Chandoo. Well, actually, my name is Purna Duggirala. But my friends and family members call me Chandoo. You too can call me that.

I will be teaching you Excel, VBA, Power Pivot for the next 6 months and answering your questions.

I live in Visakhapatnam, India. It is a small town in the south east cost of India. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here.

I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 3 years old now. And very busy running, ruining and rampaging around the house.

You can ask any questions related to class thru comments on that topic. You are also welcome to email me and share your experiences about our classes. Please write to me at chandoo.d@gmail.com.

What you should do Next?

Now your turn

Go ahead and say hello to rest of the class. 🙂

Author: Chandoo

My name is Chandoo. I am going to make you awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI & Power Pivot and answering your questions. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. It is a beautiful, small city on the southern edge of the world. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here. I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 10 years old now. They are busy creating new worlds with lego bricks or playing or learning. We (Jo &I) are busy with cooking, eating, walking, talking and reading.

1,201 thoughts on “Welcome, Say hello to your classmates”

  1. Hello , I’m Abdullah. I work as Project Manager in the Oil & Gas industry. looking forward to get the maximum of this training.

  2. Hello Everyone

    I am Sindhu, I am working for a startup as a Data Analyst. I found Chandoo Website an year ago. Since then its been helping me in “N” number of ways. When ever I find a difficulty in Excel, Chandoo will be my ray of hope. And lemme say this Chandoo, You ALWAYS gave me a solution.
    And now My Goal is to become Awesome in Excel.

    Thank You.

  3. Hello! I have been a long time visitor to Chandoo.org and finally, after almost a year of coaxing – my manager finally approved training for me!! Of course, I had many excellent vendors to choose from but for me, the choice was clear – Chandoo.org training classes! Being a long time Excel user (back when it came on 3.5″ diskettes), I thought I’d start with 50 Ways to Analyze Your Data!

    Unfortunately, it appears my faith and enthusiasm for Chandoo.org was misplaced. Don’t get me wrong – the training is excellent! My only issue is with the complete lack of response to inquiries I’ve been making for the last week regarding an invoice. My invoice states one total and my credit card states a higher total. Why? Should be a simple question with a simple response.

    Now, I know people get busy but if you are running a business – please – act like a business. To just ignore a brand new customer is not conducive to repeat business. Although I think the training materials are top-notch, the lack of any semblance of customer support is enough of a deterrent for me.

    I hope someone from Chandoo.org responds soon. I really would like to remain a loyal follower.


    1. Thank you!! I just heard from you and I am very grateful for your response! It was frustrating for sure as my manager was not happy! And after finally convincing him to support this!

      Well, thank you! Thank you!


  4. Hello everybody,

    eventually I decided to go ahead and get excellent awesome at excel…… lets see if the course will deliver on its promise. Looking forward to meet many interesting people in here.
    I am about to set up my own business and lets see maybe can find someone that want to join in.
    Till then
    Greetings // Rolf

  5. Hello, My name is Linda and I work for a Utility Company in Southwest Michigan as a Financial Analyst. I am looking forward to learning lots of cool stuff and becoming even MORE awesome at Excel 🙂

  6. Hello,

    I am Joe and work for a logistics company in Virginia. As a pricing analyst I look forward to discussing ideas and learning opportunities with the Chandoo community and getting better at excel everday.

  7. Hello,

    I am Rajasekhar Jamithireddy, I work for State Bank of India. I got huge mountains of data around me. So, here I am search for the tools to reduce those mountains!

  8. Hello,

    I am Bijendra and working with HCL Technologies Ltd as a Business Analyst. I am looking forward to learning a lots of cool stuff.

  9. My Name is Peter I am from South Africa
    I am a COO at a transporting Company. I am looking forward to learn more cool stuff and do more in Excel

  10. Hi, ya’ll! I’m Paula. I work as a data specialist using basic to mid-level excel for a claims management company in Florida, USA. My goal is to improve my skills so I can advance to data analyst and become awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards & Power Pivot!

  11. Hi! My name is Elizabeth and I live and work in Minnesota. I am a Finance Manager for one of the leading insurance companies. I am excited to grow my skills in VBA to simplify work in our department, as well as to learn new tricks in Excel. I found Chandoo.org through Excel searches online a year or so ago if I remember right. It has been one of my ‘go to’ places for Excel tricks.

  12. Hi Everyone,
    I’m Brenda. I work as a capacity specialist and utilize excel on a daily basis for reports. I am located in Phoenix, AZ, USA. My goal is to improve my skill with excel, VBA and Power Pivot, so I can advance my career and create some awesome reports and dashboards!

  13. Hi everyone

    This is Richard from NZ, I work for a Bank in the Cost Analytics team. I am looking forward to these online classes to upgrade my excel skills….and be effective in my work area.

  14. Hi Everyone,

    I’m Todd I work for one of the leading energy companies in the world and use excel on an hourly basis. I have capped out on my skills from standard books and am finally glad I joined this learning program as the blog has been a huge help in my creation of analytical tools to make my work life and employees more efficient.

    Can’t wait to learn from one of the best instructors around.

  15. Hi I am Debbie Evans and I work as a controller for a construction company in Fort Myers, Florida. I love Excel and I too am looking forward to these classes. I seem to always go to Chandoo’s page to when I need to figure something out and I am never disappointed.

  16. Hello All,

    This is Swapnil D Patil.

    Iam from Bhopal, and Iam working as a Sr. Executive in a US based Staffing Company. My Profile includes reconciliations and Financial reporting, and I’am looking forward for this course.


  17. Hello All,

    This is Neeti, I am an engineer in a biofuels firm. I have been working with huge datasets in excel, and want to learn how to handle them judiciously with dashboards and vba programming.

  18. Hello everyone, This is Marina. I am a Treasury analyst in an oil & gas industry. I work a lot on excel sheets and have many repetitive tasks on monthly and quarterly basis to do. After a year of visiting Chandoo.org I have finally decided to make life simple.

  19. Hello everyone,

    My name is Yvette. I am from Canberra, Australia. I work as a Centre of Excellence Officer in the my agency’s Programme and Project Management Office. My team is currently looking to enhance our Portfolio Management capabilities by introducing a new Portfolio Delivery Management Dashboard. I expressed my interest to develop this dashboard tool. I decided to enrol in this program to further enhance my basic/intermediate MS Excel skills and to learn the skills to build the dashboard, as this is a new concept to me. Looking forward to the learning. I wish you all the best with your learning 🙂

  20. Hello All,


    This is Subramanyam (Mani), searching for job. Previously working as Business Analyst in HR Department. I want to enhance my VBA skills so I enrolled this course. I strongly believe that Chandoo is going to make me awesome in VBA and also the courses which I wanted to enroll in future. Thank you Chandoo and team.

    All the very best to all who is visiting this comment.


  21. Hi Chandoo & All,

    I am Kapil from, Ahmedabad, India & am really impressed with what Chandoo is tying to do here. I only have praises for him.

    I am the Founder & Managing director at https://www.truedata.in where we provide stock market data for various applications, including the most recent addition of EXCEL (using RTD & Excel Add-ins) :-). I am hoping to learn some good VBA to make some great macros & also some awesome dashboards to attract customers to use out products.

    I was earlier in the Indian Air Force where I was a helicopter pilot & have flown 1000s of hours as captain. Recently I gave up my well paying job, to do my own thing.

    I am hungry to learn all that Chandoo has to offer & more. So, let’s go 🙂

  22. Hello all,

    My name is Chip Booth and I am a Strategic Sourcing Manager for a large Healthcare GPO (Group Purchasing Organization). I have just stepped out of the consulting arena and am now working alot with analytics and contract management. I to have been a follower of Chandoo and finally decided it was time to take it to the next level. I want to be able to a) manage the analytics myself if needed, b) understand how our analysts go to the conclusions they submit, and c) be proficient in Excel. I think it is cool to be able to do all the things one can achieve with data.
    I wish everyone the very best as they proceed with this class. Take it easy.

  23. Hi Everyone

    Myself Vinay from Bangalore and I work as Billing Specialist for a CDN provider and very keen to learn everything about excel.

  24. Hi everyone,
    I am Raj and I work as a Senior Analyst in a Governement Department in Wellington, New Zealand (the cutest capital city in the world). I am a rank beginner in VBA and hope to be able to be ‘awesome’ at the end of the couse. Cheers.

  25. Hi all,
    I am Shruti. I work as a Program Manager for a high tech company. I had done a ton of research about excel training programs and was impressed with Chandoo’s excel training program. It has been on my mind from the past 1 year to take this training program. However, mother nature took its own course and I was on a pregnancy and maternity break. Now I am back in action. Why am I here – my day to day job necessitates that I have advanced excel skills such as creating gantt charts, creating a time sharing based reservation system, creating and managing a complex inventory management system. I believe that this training will help me achieve my goals in becoming an excel expert!

  26. Hello!

    My name is Gabby. I work for a small distribution company in Montreal, QC and I am looking forward to becoming a boss in VBA!

  27. Hello friends,
    I am Sheela. I work as a Deputy Manager for consumer product company. My current profile include lots of work on Excel. I have sound knowledge about excel. I am more interested into Charts, Graphs and Dashboards. I strongly believe that this course will help me to become expert in the same.

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