Installing & Enabling Power Pivot

The first step in your power pivot journey is to install it. In this lesson, learn how to do it.

What is in this lesson?

  • Introduction
  • Checking if you have Power Pivot
  • Enabling Power Pivot add-in
  • Downloading & Installing Power Pivot
  • Troubleshooting Power Pivot Install
  • Things to keep in mind after install
  • What if you are not able to install?
  • How to speed up Power Pivot?
  • Closing thoughts

Author: Chandoo

My name is Chandoo. I am going to make you awesome in Excel, VBA, Dashboards, Power BI & Power Pivot and answering your questions. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. It is a beautiful, small city on the southern edge of the world. I run my own Excel Consulting & Training business from here. I am married to my college sweet-heart, Jo. We have 2 kids – twins. They are 10 years old now. They are busy creating new worlds with lego bricks or playing or learning. We (Jo &I) are busy with cooking, eating, walking, talking and reading.

60 thoughts on “Installing & Enabling Power Pivot”

  1. Hi Chandoo,

    What are your review in terms of using Excel 2013 Pro plus, my IT team is mentioning this is in bita version and is not recommended.

    i am having the Pro book 4320, processor i5.

    hope this will be helpful in having yuor recommendations

  2. Hi Chandoo,

    Will the old lessons remain available as new ones arrive?

    I am defenitely impaitient for new lessons and therefore do not intend to start lessons if I can not continue with more because I have to wait for 5-6 weeks until the interesting stuff becomes available. That would “kill” me! I thought this course was ready available.


    1. To Followup Vijay’s comments, if your end users (and you) are on Excel 2013, they can still interact with your power pivot reports. In Excel 2010, your users need Power Pivot to use your files.

    1. @Sam,
      If your membership allows download, then you should be able to save the files to your local disc (right click on link and choose “Save Link as…” or “Save Target as…” equivalent). I’ve tested the links and they work properly. If the save link as option fails, you can raise the concern with Ravindra at and he will assist you with the resolution.

  3. Download lesson video and watch at leisure –

    Chandoo, I travel a lot and have found downloading the videos to be perfect for a long flight. I have watched all the Excel School video’s on my IPad (second time taking the course) and now want to watch the PowerPivot videos in the same manner. Unfortunately, I am having difficulty doing the same. I don’t want to be chained to my laptop, can you please advise.

    1. Hi Thomas,

      Thanks for taking Excel School to mile high club 🙂

      Did you try importing MP4 files to your ipad thru itunes. If you have problems, you can use a free conversion software like Hamster converter. This should work alright.

  4. Hi Chandoo,

    Just started the program and so far I am really enjoying it and learning quite a lot. You are a very good teacher, thank you for putting this program together. When we have busy lives, the ability to do this at our own pace (download videos, files) is huge.



  5. I have a new computer and now using excel 2013 instead of 2010 and after updating one of my powerpivot reports I get this error? Not sure what it means?

    The Query did not run or the Data model could not accessed. Here’s the error message we got:
    The [ledger entry].[posting date],&[2013-10-29t00:00:00]’string cannot be converted to the date type.

    Hope you can help.

  6. I downloaded power pivot for 32-bit long back in 2012. It installed correctly, but version is 10.05….
    & could not see KPI Tab. Today I installed again but it does not get install & says-could not get install -contact vendor etc.etc.

  7. how can i see the lessons? i signed in for excel+dashboards which was the most expensive packet but i can not see all the videos…help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I have office home & student 2013. where do i download the powerpivot for it? the link showed in the lesson does not work for me. i cannot see the page with “download” bar.

  9. Hello,
    I cannot see any videos in Power Pivot although it says somewhere else:
    “Please use below links…
    -Excel School
    -Excel Dashboards
    -Power Pivot”
    What can I do?

  10. Chandoo Teacher, I just check to see if i Have powerpivot on my 2013 but I don’t in the add on’s I only have the following:

    Analysis ToolPak
    Analysis ToolPak-VBA
    Euro Currency Tools
    Solver Add-In

    Please I have Microsoft 2013

  11. Are your example files in Microsoft 2010 format? I have Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 Version 14.0.7128.5000 (32-bit) and have installed the latest PowerPivot for 2010 from the website. I do “not” have the PowerPivot features you demonstrate in your class. Are the sample .xlsx files you provide backwards compatible? When I look at the sample file “myFirstPowerPivotReport.xlsx, and hit the Launch button for PowerPivot Window, I get a pop-up which states: “You are attempting to access PowerPivot data that was added using a newer version of PowerPivot. This action is not supported, and you cannot access the data. To continue working with the PowerPivot data, you must use the lastest version of PowerPivot.”
    What version do I need?

  12. The first step in your power pivot journey is to install it. In this lesson, learn how to do it.

    I can see all the following, except the Powerpivot lessons and video. The link takes to next lesson plan

    Please help

    What is in this lesson?
    ◾Checking if you have Power Pivot
    ◾Enabling Power Pivot add-in
    ◾Downloading & Installing Power Pivot
    ◾Troubleshooting Power Pivot Install
    ◾Things to keep in mind after install
    ◾What if you are not able to install?
    ◾How to speed up Power Pivot?
    ◾Closing thoughts

  13. Hi, I cannot see videos in the entire Power Pivot Tutorial. Is this an issue with the website, has it been taken down? Please inform back asap! I really need to start it quickly.

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