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Work and free time chart


New Member
I have a data file in excel with time of tasks for a given server. I have crated a chart with tasks names only. what i want is a process through which i will get multiple charts (if possible on diff pages with the system name as page name) so i can view which systems did how much work on what time. this chart was created with excel 2013 and does not work in excel 2010 properly.


  • Tasks.xlsx
    14.9 KB · Views: 6
Sorry for the delayed response. I need the chart for easy visualization. So I can easily check when each system was not in use and for how much time.
Please, explain Your used term 'easy visualization'.
Which one You would like to get next time?
#1 original: 'i can view which systems did how much work on what time' ...
#3 new : 'I can easily check when each system was not in use and for how much time..'?
In the chat view, I can see on which times the system was doing only one task, two or three tasks at a time. And also to see on which times it was not doing any task. So say if I have 5 systems, I would need a chart created for each one. Also is it possible to have a red bar when the system was idle?
I tried to ask two questions ...
You gave a new vision ...
Many things are possible, but if You'll change all the time Your vision then it will be challenge to do it!

Add enough sample data to Your file as You will get from a server.

Do You have more ideas of You vision
is this Your final vision?