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Why does Excel's NOW() fucntion return different times depending on device/browser used?


New Member
I am using the current time to run 'live' calculations in excel using =NOW(). The excel file is saved in my OneDrive. When I embed my excel worksheet on a web page sometimes it displays the local (system) time and sometimes it displays UTC time. It appears to depend on the device or brouser being used. If i access the website from my windows computer the time is displayed as system time. If i view it from my iphone or my mac computer it shows UTC time. Is there a way to force it to use UTC time (preferred)? or force it to use the local system time? either one will work but needs to be consistent for my calculations to be correct? As this is embedded there can't be links to external sites or macros. Also I'll mention i don't care which time zone the user is in as long as the time is handled the same by all. I've created a blog post to show this issue. If you don't feel safe going to this site feel free to embed the attached worksheet online. Then use different devices to see what time you get.


I'm using the iframe code that excel generates to embed it. Thanks in advance for your help.


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My Suggestion is you can use the formula `=UTCNOW()` instead of `=NOW()` to force the display of UTC time consistently, regardless of the user's device or browser. This should help maintain consistency across various platforms for your embedded worksheet calculations.