I am wondering if someone can help me with this. I know very little about this type of VBA coding. I can scrap simple data, but this is a challenge. So here I will say many, many thanks! I have a list of numbers in an Excel spreadsheet and want to loop through them to extract data from the website.
Here is the website: https://horrycountytreasurer.qpaybi....aspx?id=652f3c24-8a75-4b71-937a-129102ee9223
When looking at the page source code, I know the search parameters are in rows 169-231 and the return data is in rows 233-277
My search parameters are:
Search Type = Real Estate
Payment Status = All
Tax Year = All
Search By = Map Number
Map Number = data from column A of the worksheet (examples below)
Each record in the spreadsheet should return about 11 rows of records.
What I would like to return is the number in column 1 of the worksheet beside each of the 11 records returned from the website.
Here are some of the numbers (Map Number on the website) in column A of the worksheet
Here is the website: https://horrycountytreasurer.qpaybi....aspx?id=652f3c24-8a75-4b71-937a-129102ee9223
When looking at the page source code, I know the search parameters are in rows 169-231 and the return data is in rows 233-277
My search parameters are:
Search Type = Real Estate
Payment Status = All
Tax Year = All
Search By = Map Number
Map Number = data from column A of the worksheet (examples below)
Each record in the spreadsheet should return about 11 rows of records.
What I would like to return is the number in column 1 of the worksheet beside each of the 11 records returned from the website.
Here are some of the numbers (Map Number on the website) in column A of the worksheet