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Vlookup with Closet match from other column

Hi All,

I have come across a situation where i should be able to do a lookup which can give me the results when it doesn't find a value in particular column by taking a closest match from the same column.

For example I have 3 columns Year, month, salary respectively. I am trying to get the value from salary column by looking up year and month in a concatenated mode. Say for example if i don't get the value for Year 2015 month Jan then my lookup should find for the closest value i;e Year 2014 and Month Jan data. It goes on like this.



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Hi Santhosha,

Try this with Ctrl+Shift+Enter:



Edit with IFERROR.
Last edited:
Thank you for the reply. It works.Do we have any Array free solution since array formals are not supported in Xcelcisus(An SAP dashboard making tool)
Thank you for the reply. It works.Do we have any Array free solution since array formals are not supported in Xcelcisus(An SAP dashboard making tool)

Didn't found non-array INDEX solution, can you check this:


Not sure this meets your requirement, since SUMPRODUCT is array formula.