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vbscript multiple loop



I ask for help if this case match in your interest "Excel"

i have a vbscript that extract a large data for more than one day and i can't extract this data for one month EX: from 1-mar-2014 : 31-mar-2014
i ask to make a loop to run this script every 5 Days

Public Sub Main()

'## cvs_cmd_begin
'## ID = 2001
'## Description = "Report: Historical: Designer: Xceed_Generic_Interval_Utilization_(OB): Save HTML"
'## Parameters.Add "Report: Historical: Designer: Xceed_Generic_Interval_Utilization_(OB): Save HTML","_Desc"
'## Parameters.Add "Reports","_Catalog"
'## Parameters.Add "1","_Action"
'## Parameters.Add "1","_Quit"
'## Parameters.Add "Historical\Designer\Xceed_Generic_Interval_Utilization_(OB)","_Report"
'## Parameters.Add "1","_ACD"
'## Parameters.Add "-120","_Top"
'## Parameters.Add "-120","_Left"
'## Parameters.Add "21840","_Width"
'## Parameters.Add "12810","_Height"
'## Parameters.Add "default","_TimeZone"
'## Parameters.Add "The report Historical\Designer\Xceed_Generic_Interval_Utilization_(OB was not found on ACD 1.","_ReportNotFound"
'## Parameters.Add "*","_BeginProperties"
'## Parameters.Add "10","Splits/Skills"
'## Parameters.Add "3/28/2014-3/29/2014","Dates"
'## Parameters.Add "00:00-23:45","Times"
'## Parameters.Add "*","_EndProperties"
'## Parameters.Add "*","_BeginViews"
'## Parameters.Add "*","_EndViews"
'## Parameters.Add "C:\Users\ahmed.mabdelkader\Desktop\aaa.HTML","_Output"
'## Parameters.Add "","_Template"
'## Parameters.Add "True","_UseFonts"

  On Error Resume Next

  cvsSrv.Reports.ACD = 1
  Set Info = cvsSrv.Reports.Reports("Historical\Designer\Xceed_Generic_Interval_Utilization_(OB)")

  If Info Is Nothing Then
      If cvsSrv.Interactive Then
          MsgBox "The report Historical\Designer\Xceed_Generic_Interval_Utilization_(OB was not found on ACD 1.", vbCritical Or vbOKOnly, "Avaya CMS Supervisor"
            Set Log = CreateObject("ACSERR.cvsLog")
          Log.AutoLogWrite "The report Historical\Designer\Xceed_Generic_Interval_Utilization_(OB was not found on ACD 1."
          Set Log = Nothing
      End If

      b = cvsSrv.Reports.CreateReport(Info,Rep)
      If b Then
          Rep.Window.Top = -120
          Rep.Window.Left = -120
          Rep.Window.Width = 21840
          Rep.Window.Height = 12810       

                        Rep.TimeZone = "default"

          Rep.SetProperty "Splits/Skills","8"
          Rep.SetProperty "Dates","3/1/2014-3/5/2014"
          Rep.SetProperty "Times","00:00-23:45"

          b = Rep.SaveHTML("C:\Users\ahmed.mabdelkader\Desktop\aa1a.HTML", True, "")




              If Not cvsSrv.Interactive Then cvsSrv.ActiveTasks.Remove Rep.TaskID
          Set Rep = Nothing
      End If

  End If
  Set Info = Nothing
'## cvs_cmd_end

End Sub

and i ask to edit Rep.SetProperty "Splits/Skills","8" to be Rep.SetProperty "Splits/Skills","8;10;47"

or you can direct me to any reference can provide me with the answers
