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VBA Not Working On Work Computer



I don't know if this is a common problem but I cannot get a tool that I am working on at home to function at work.

I have been working on a tool using a little bit of VBA code at home and when I try to use the tool at work I get error messages referencing a missing library.

I am not very efficient at VBA so my ability to troubleshoot the problem is very limited, but to the best of my ability I don't think its the code but I cannot be absolutely sure.

My home computer has Windows 8.1, my work computer is running Windows 7.

If anyone has any idea about this problem or can make a recommendations toward my code I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks



  • MacroTestJan2015.xlsm
    45.9 KB · Views: 6
Hi ,

When I check out the references in your code , I am getting the following 2 references which may be the problem :

1. Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 6.0

2. Microsoft Calendar Control 2007

If either of these references is prefixed by the word MISSING , then that is the problem.

If they are not available , you will need to download them , and if required register them.

Thanks Narayan

I will check under tools, references to see if the above references are missing from my work computer. If not, I will download/register them.

I will report back to the group.

You pointed me in the right direction as usual. Microsoft Common Controls -2 6.0 had "MISSING" in front of it.

I was kinda hoping it was something in the VBA rather than some missing reference files. I really don't understand anything about this type of situation.

Someone from work found this link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/297381 to the file. They also suggested selecting the available reference and then unchecking the box which seemed to work for one of the buttons.

I will fool around with this till I get it the rest of them working. I have one final question. Does it matter what folder the file is extracted to?

Thanks Again Narayan
Hi ,

Normally because these are system files , they are looked for in their default folders ; depending on your OS and Excel version , this may be the Windows\system32 folder or the Windows\SysWoW64 folder.

The Microsoft download link should include instructions on where the file is to be extracted to.


You would think the article would provide that information, but it does not. However, I just figured I can see where the file is located on my home computer and try to duplicate this at work.

Thanks again for your Assistance.

Just pitching in with the problem, I got I had similar problem with a recent VBA project that I had developed recently, I created a userform with Calendar Control on Excel 2010. When I released I found similar problem of MISSSING: references, so I removed that and saw the file was functioning.

On my system only one ref. missing is showing i.e. Microsoft Calendar Control 2007.

But you are using APPNAME in allocating to caption. When I try to open Userform from Help there the error occur. Can you explain what is this?
