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VBA for adding specific height to each row in table


New Member

I am hoping someone out there has a solution for my problem. I have a table that contains text fields in excess of 900 characters. While they look fine in the workbook, they end up "trimming" the bottom 1-4 rows when printing or saving to pdf. Thus, I often have to go in an manually adjust the height for some (but not all) of my rows. What I would like to do is add a line of code that would increase the size of all rows by x pixels, but have yet to figure out how to do that. Any ideas? I would attach the workbook, but there is company sensitive material in there I cannot share.

Perhaps something like this...

Sub TestSize()

'Set Variables

Dim cellHeight As Double

Dim cellwidth As Double

' Read the height and width of cell A1

cellHeight = Range("a1").Height

cellwidth = Range("a1").Width

'Tell you what the height and width is.

MsgBox "The height is: " & cellHeight

MsgBox "the width is: " & cellwidth

'Change the value of the height and width

cellHeight = cellHeight + 20

cellwidth = cellwidth + 20

'Set A1 to the new height and width

Range("a1").RowHeight = cellHeight

Range("a1").ColumnWidth = cellwidth

End Sub

This worked for me. The basics are here I think. If you ran a test on your cells to determine if the contents are a certain size, then run a resize cell routine if true. I am new to VBA, so there might be a better solution out there. If you want to resize ALL of the rows, you can use: range("a:a").RowHeight = value
That worked nicely for one row at a time. Thank you!! Any suggestions for having it correct the cell height for all rows in my table?

Thanks again!!
Did you try range("a:a").RowHeight = value

This will set the height of all the cells in a spreadsheet to whatever value is set to.
Each row in the table will be different, though. I am probably missing something easy here, but putting the range as A:A didn't seem to work...
I'm looking into a way of doing this. It would be nice if Excel had an Autofit property.

But for doing all cells try this...


Selection.RowHeight = value
Hi, AndrewH!

Try with this modification to Phuzzy's code:


Sub TestSize()

'Set Variables
Dim cellHeight As Single
Dim I As Long
Dim rng As Range

' Read the height of cells in column A
I = 1
Do Until Len(Cells(I, 1).Value) = 0
Cells(I, 1).Select
'Read the height of cell A<I>, where <I> is row number
cellHeight = Selection.RowHeight
'Change the value of the height
cellHeight = cellHeight + 20
'Set A<I> to the new height
Set rng = Rows(Selection.Row)
rng.RowHeight = cellHeight
I = I + 1

End Sub



I simply added my two-cents to your buck. You did the dirty job, I just arrived at dessert-time. Good job!

I like where this is going, and you both are helping me a ton. SirJB7, that particular code seems to only change Row 1, how would I get it to change all rows in my table?
Hi, AndrewH!

It changes all rows starting from 1 until an empty cell is found in column A. Please note the "I = I + 1" before the "Loop", that increments the row to be processed when looping ("Do Until..." and "Cells(I , 1).Select").

If you have empty cells in column A used for spacing, separations or so, consider typing a space in it, so as to let the loop go on down towards your data's end.

Let us know how it results.

Ah, and don't forget thanking Phuzzy again, he/she deserves all the credit (well, actually 98%, I added my two-cents) ;)

SirJB7 and Phuzzy, thank you very much! This works!

One last question, if I wanted it to start in row 8, what would I need to change? The top 7 rows of this sheet need to stay "pristine."

Thanks again, you two are my heroes!!!


For Each AvailableTime In FromNowOn
If NewToVBA Then
Do Until 1 <> 1
ComeBack WhenEverNeeded, WhenEverWanted
GoOnHelping WhoEverAsked
DoEvents 'just in case you want to press Ctrl-C for breaking and saying good-bye
NewToVBA = Not (NewToVBA)
End If


That's pretty awesome. Thanks. And I am a he not a she.

I'll post my little bit of VBA awesomeness here soon. People might find it useful.

Oh, and thanks for making me look up a Single. I didn't know that that datatype existed.

Hi, he!

We're always eager to get our hands into new stuff, as well as trying to help, so welcome.
