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VBA Code


I am looking for VBA code that takes out the Carriage Return Character. I have a column that carriage return is unevenly coming in each row. How to take it out? VBA Code?

what about Replace

Variable = Replace(Variable, chr(10),"")


Variable = Replace(Variable, chr(13),"")
Hi Guity,

You can also use an in-cell formula.


Will do the same for cell A1.  Excel appears to remove the line break if you use either [code]CHAR(13) (carriage return) or CHAR(10)
(line feed).

If you want a space instead of a line break, you can use:

=SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(13)," ")[/code]

Asa and Hui,

Thank you for the response. I have 3 carriage returns in one row, can I use SUBSTITUTE(A1,CHAR(13)," ") to remove all three in a row, while I have 50000 Rows?

If I want to use it in VBA, what would be the whole code?

Thank you very much.

Hi Guity, glad to help!

Don't be afraid to try it :)

Yes, substitute handles multiple instances.

If you want make the change permanent,

Copy the new calculated column, and paste it back with Paste Special/Values to remove the formulas.

It might be possible to use search and replace to remove line breaks as well (Ctrl-H)