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VB Code that changes a value in a corresponding field in a row of a table


New Member
I have a worksheet that is used to record types of leave that employee takes.
You put some basic Name information into a form this is saved to the table and then a leave form is printed for the employee to add some more detail.

When the form is handed back the extra detail is added manually to the table.

In the table I have a column that records the type of leave for this entry (S/L, R/L, LSL, LWOP) etc
This all works perfectly, except for 1 entry that after getting form back may need to change.
The column M will have a Y, N or N/A entered.'
When a Y is put into there I then need to manually currently change the value in G to PSLC. If either N or N/A I leave what is in G as is

Is there a way with VB that it can change value in G if the value in M contains a Y
