In the first chart, I can plot a vertical line by hard coding the Y values by doing Select Data > Edit > Series Y Values and using ={0,3500}
However instead of hard coding the Y values, I would like to use formulas to get the MIN( ) and the MAX( ) values from column C. I tried =MIN(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105),max(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105) and {=MIN(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105),max(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105)} and neither of these worked.
Is it possible to use formulas in the Edit Series window, is it possible to use formulas in the field called Series Y values?
However instead of hard coding the Y values, I would like to use formulas to get the MIN( ) and the MAX( ) values from column C. I tried =MIN(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105),max(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105) and {=MIN(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105),max(Sheet1!$C$5:$C$105)} and neither of these worked.
Is it possible to use formulas in the Edit Series window, is it possible to use formulas in the field called Series Y values?