S shaggy72 New Member Mar 2, 2016 #1 Hi , I am looking for help with the following. =vlookup(MastersheetF4,VDQ Weds D3:D60 - if true returning = VDQ Weds column C3 ) Basically - If 914 is on VDQ weds D3:D60 return VDQ weds Column C3 Any advice would be amazing Attachments Option A week 36 WK 04.03.2016 - COPY.1.xlsx 456 KB · Views: 7
Hi , I am looking for help with the following. =vlookup(MastersheetF4,VDQ Weds D3:D60 - if true returning = VDQ Weds column C3 ) Basically - If 914 is on VDQ weds D3:D60 return VDQ weds Column C3 Any advice would be amazing
Khalid NGO Excel Ninja Mar 3, 2016 #2 Hi, You didn't mentioned where to apply formula what would be the output, I saw your formula in R4 of Master sheet... So my GUESS would be: =IFERROR(INDEX('VDQ Weds'!$C$3:$C$58,MATCH(F4,'VDQ Weds'!$D$3:$D$58,0)),"…") Regards,
Hi, You didn't mentioned where to apply formula what would be the output, I saw your formula in R4 of Master sheet... So my GUESS would be: =IFERROR(INDEX('VDQ Weds'!$C$3:$C$58,MATCH(F4,'VDQ Weds'!$D$3:$D$58,0)),"…") Regards,
S shaggy72 New Member Mar 11, 2016 #3 Khalid - you rock. In fact I now understand the formulas a lot better thanks for your advice