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UDF to concatenate non blank cells in a range

If you want to concatenate non blank cells in a range.

Function concatenate_nonblanks(irng As Range, spl As String)
Dim cell As Range
Dim rsl As String
For Each cell In irng
If cell <> vbNullString Then
rsl = rsl & spl & cell
End If
concatenate_nonblanks = Right(rsl, Len(rsl) - Len(spl))
End Function

For example - you want to concatenate all non blank cells in range a1:a20 with (,) as separator . Try


A1:a20 - is range which you want to concatenate to single cell

"," - pass separator in double quotes
This should work like above:

Function Concat_Range(rngJoin As Range, strSep As String) As String
Concat_Range = Join(Filter(Application.Transpose(Evaluate("=IF(" & rngJoin.Address & "<>""""" _
& "," & rngJoin.Address & "," & """~""" & ")")), "~", False), strSep)
End Function