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to add more columns in Listbox


New Member
I need to add more columns in the filter box, now it gives an error to populate from the database

>>> use code - tags <<<
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Data")

Dim row_number As Long
Dim max_id As Long
max_id = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(sh.Range("A:A"))

If Me.txt_id.Value = "" Then  ''' Insert
    row_number = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(sh.Range("A:A")) + 1
    sh.Range("A" & row_number).Value = max_id + 1
Else                          '''' Update
    row_number = Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Int(Me.txt_id.Value), sh.Range("A:A"), 0)
End If

sh.Range("B" & row_number).Value = Me.txt_desc.Value
sh.Range("C" & row_number).Value = Me.cmb_Room.Value
sh.Range("D" & row_number).Value = Me.cmb_Ltype.Value
sh.Range("E" & row_number).Value = Me.txt_Open_Date.Value
sh.Range("F" & row_number).Value = Me.txt_openT.Value
sh.Range("G" & row_number).Value = Me.txt_Close_Date.Value
sh.Range("H" & row_number).Value = Me.cmb_staff.Value
sh.Range("I" & row_number).Value = Me.cmb_Department.Value
sh.Range("J" & row_number).Value = Me.cmb_Status.Value
sh.Range("K" & row_number).Value = Me.txt_Comments.Value
sh.Range("L" & row_number).Value = Me.cmb_inforstaff.Value
sh.Range("M" & row_number).Value = Me.txtName.Value
sh.Range("M" & row_number).Value = Me.txtName.Value
sh.Range("N" & row_number).Value = Me.cmb_nation.Value
sh.Range("O" & row_number).Value = Now

Call Reset_Form

MsgBox "Log is Updated", vbInformation

Call Refresh_Listbox

End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_DblClick(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

'to populate listbox  from Database sheet

    Me.txt_id.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 0)
    Me.txt_desc.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 1)
    Me.cmb_Room.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 2)
    Me.cmb_Ltype.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 3)
    Me.txt_Open_Date.Value = Format(Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 4), "D-MMM-YYYY")
    Me.txt_openT.Value = Format(Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 5), "HH:MM")
    If Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 6) <> "" Then
        Me.txt_Close_Date.Value = Format(Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 6), "D-MMM-YYYY")
    End If
    Me.cmb_staff.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 7)
    Me.cmb_Department.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 8)
    Me.cmb_Status.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 9)
    Me.txt_Comments.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 10)
    Me.cmb_inforstaff.Value = Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListIndex, 11)

End Sub
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The code you have posted is not the code that populates the Listbox. I'd guess you are using AddItem, in which case you are limited to 10 columns. You need to use either an array or a range for the source data if you need more than 10 columns.