i am looking for a formula through which a time sheet of employee sign and sign out can be created. idea is when the employee enter the premises he will punch his employee code say 1101 and the current time of the system get punched automatically and further this time does not chage with the change in time of system. a daily report of such sign in and sign outs may be generated. I want to use excel formulas but when i try time changes as the system time changes
i am looking for a formula through which a time sheet of employee sign and sign out can be created. idea is when the employee enter the premises he will punch his employee code say 1101 and the current time of the system get punched automatically and further this time does not chage with the change in time of system. a daily report of such sign in and sign outs may be generated. I want to use excel formulas but when i try time changes as the system time changes