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time and distance = mph

MPH = Distance/Time

So if you have Distance 2597 in B2 and assuming that is Miles

and Time in B3.

Now assuming your time is 10 Hrs and 58 Mins that needs to be entered as 10:58:00 or =Time(10,58,0) and Change the Number format for B3 to h:mm:ss

Now internally in Excel Time is expressed as a Fraction of 24Hrs

So the formula for Speed MPH will be =B2/(24*B3)

which is 236.8 mph
You need to convert all the units into the appropriate units

To convert feet to miles divide by 5280

To convert your time which should be entered as either =time(0,10,58) or 00:10:58 and change the cell format to h:mm:ss

So the formula for Speed MPH will be =(B2/5280)/(24*B3)

which is 2.69 mph