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Tiger Dashboard


Hi Chandoo,

I would like to make a dashboard involving my favorite sport team the Detroit Tigers. I've got all the statistics in place, including a v look up for pitchers (sheet 2), and for batters (sheet 3). I would like a pic on each player, I started it but got lost in the named range and index formula. Your help on this would be greatly appreciated. Also, I would like to add like a baseball diamond showing each players position when selected. Is this possible? Thanks for your help. File is attached. Joe, from Michigan. PS. You guys are amazing at this.


  • Tigers Dashboard.xlsx
    30.7 KB · Views: 5
Hi Joe,

See the file on sheet2, I hope you wanted the result on that sheet only.



  • Tigers Dashboard.xlsx
    36.9 KB · Views: 12
Hi Joe -

I took Somendra's Worksheet and simply made some of your listings into Excel Tables - they can help keeping the data cleaner as you add and remove players, etc. You might want to do perform some of your own calculations as opposed to inputting the data.
Here's another thought - have your updates downloaded from an online source (MLB.com maybe?) automatically ...


  • Tigers Dashboard - Tables added.xlsx
    39.7 KB · Views: 16
Hi Joe -

I'm in California so I'm a couple of hours behind you - I'll take a look at your worksheet this evening when I get home - I'm just snowed under at the office today.