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Sumproduct(Countifs(Indirect( Comparison question

I am attempting to count the number of times one cell is greater than another cell across N number of sheets. The row that contains the number can be repeated many times within different sheets but is easily identifiable. My current equation is:


It works until I add the third criteria range.

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong?
I don't think COUNTIFS and/or SUMPRODUCT can be used in 3D functions. Even then, the sheet callout is expecting something like "Sheet1:Sheet3". Giving it a range with the names of sheets shouldn't work. You probably need to have a COUNTIF function on each worksheet, and then use a 3D sum function.

If that's not viable, you could try writing a UDF. If you do go that way, I'd advise against having to search through every cell in the entire column.
The thing is the Sumproduct(Countifs works for the first two indirect ranges, just not when I add the part that compares two cells.
When you say it doesn't work, does it not give the right answer or does it give an error?

I played with this for a bit. The closest thing I got to work was:


Note that the third comparison here is to a single cell. The comparison used doesn't matter, as long as it is to a single cell. Every time I tried to generalize the third term, per your example, to compare to cells across sheets, it errored.

Otherwise, this is an interesting technique. The double and single quotes are a pain, but it does seem to work.
So here's a solution I got from Mr. Excel. I haven't tested yet but wanted to share http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=582592