In your example at I3:
Simply says add up all of Column B when Column A = G3 = "Development"
If you edit the formula
select the Red section and press F9
Excel will show it as
This is showing that status of each comparison
eg: A3=G3 then A4=G3 then A5=G3 up to A21=G3
You can see that the first 5 values are True and the rest are False
Believe it or Not Excel doesn't understand how to do maths on a Boolean (True/False)
so by adding the -- Excel converts the True/False to 1/0's
Now select
--($A$3:$A$21=G3),$B$3:$B$21) and press F9
Excel will display
Note that the Trues have been converted to 1 and Falses to 0
Multiplying the True by - - is the same as saying True * -1 * -1 which is 1
Multiplying the False by - - is the same as saying True * -1 * -1 which is 0
You could have also used 1*(
Which I think is much easier to read
If you select =SUMPRODUCT(--($A$3:$A$21=G3),
Excel will display
Which is the array of values in Column B
Sumproduct then does a Sumproduct on the two arrays
Adding up the Products of the Two arrays.
It could have been simplified as: =SUMPRODUCT(($A$3:$A$21=G3)*$B$3:$B$21)
I will also direct you to:
Which has a good description of How Sumproduct works