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Stock Market Chart

Anshum Manocha

New Member
Hello Everyone,

I Hope all are well, as COVID-19 is spread ed everywhere.

I need your help, as I want to check my live indian stock price (nse) list in excel as per my data, so that i can track the present situation of my current share price live as per stock exchange. Need to update "Column E" with the present rates. As per sheet rates are filed manually.


  • PORTFOLIO1.xlsx
    12.2 KB · Views: 18
Anshum Manocha
Where did You explain - what kind of Data Visualization or Charting do You looking for?
If You're looking for something else
then please, move this thread to correct Forum or ask someone else to do it.
Sir, I need to update data in my column E (values to be updated regularly live with web ) from the column name "StockCode" and please help me as my sheet was automatically shifted in this forum. Please let me know is this the correct place or on which column should I move on