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Splitting a rows of comma separated values into multiple lines


New Member

I have data in a csv format and multiple lines..




I am trying to use excel to split it into multiple lines and separating each row of data by an empty line...

so the above file would change to:









I want to paste the data into excel and have access convert it to the format above... is this easily doable? can you help me with the script?

Thank you.
Hi, gates2010!

Give a try to this code, adjusting sheets and ranges as needed:


Option Explicit

Sub SplitAndTranspo()
' constants
Const ksInputWS = "Hoja1"
Const ksInputRange = "A1"
Const ksOutputWS = "Hoja2"
Const ksOutputRange = "A1"
' declarations
Dim rngI As Range, rngO As Range
Dim lRowI As Long, iColI As Integer, lRowO As Long, iColO As Integer
Dim I As Long, J As Long, K As Integer, A As String, B As String
Dim sArray() As String
' start
Set rngI = Worksheets(ksInputWS).Range(ksInputRange)
Set rngO = Worksheets(ksOutputWS).Range(ksOutputRange)
With rngI
lRowI = .Row
iColI = .Column
End With
With rngO
lRowO = .Row
iColO = .Column
End With
' process
I = lRowI
J = lRowO - 1
With rngI
Do Until .Cells(I, iColI).Value = ""
' row
A = .Cells(I, iColI).Value
' split & fill
sArray = Split(A, ",")
For K = LBound(sArray()) To UBound(sArray())
J = J + 1
rngO.Cells(J, iColO).Value = sArray(K)
Next K
' blank
J = J + 1
rngO.Cells(J, iColO).Value = ""
' cycle
I = I + 1
End With
' end
End Sub

Hi, gates2010!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. Welcome back whenever needed or wanted.

Hi There,

What changes in the code if you have more than one column with multiple values and others standard columns?


Column 1 Column2 Column3

PN123,PN546,PN789 ABC,XYZ,KMN Flat Cable

Thanks in advance
Hi, motabrasil!

No changes, note that Split function is used regardess the number of multiple values.

Hi Sir

Sorry for my poor English sometimes.

I agree with you, but this macro works only if all multiple values are located in the same column. In my case I have two different columns (and hundred lines) with multiple values each. How to extent this macro to cover two columns or more?

Thanks in advance
Hi, motabrasil!

Não há problema, quase vizinho! (No problem, almost neighbor!)

You've got two choices:

1) Turn constants ksInputRange and ksOutputRange into parameters to be passed to the procedure and then get changed source and target to whatever needed

2) Elaborate a bit more specifying what your requirements are so as to try to provide you an alternative solution. If it's related to your other topic:


for which I give you a formula solution and you want to implement a VBA code solution, please upload a sample file so as to select the better option (give a look at the green sticky posts at this forums main page for uploading guidelines).

Hi Sir,

I figured out how to have this working for my needs.

I adjusted my file to use the macro above and it works fine now.

Thanks for all support.

Hi, motabrasil!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
