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split addresses


Can you help me break down the addresses in a column.
I have already inserted two formulas that work, the others don't work.
to search for the postcode it would be enough to find the string made up of 5 digits without spaces with a subsequent and preceding space.
There are commas that separate the data type but it is also true that they are not always found in the same arrangement so I wonder how one would be able to manage the various cases?

Thank you


  • indirizzi.xlsx
    10.3 KB · Views: 21
Try in B2 copied down (requires Excel 365):

I know it works - I didn't need it testing!

@claudia80 Did it work for your purposes?
Good evening.
Maybe it will be explained to me badly.
The formulas in the blue cells were already working.
I can't create the orange cell formulas to extract the data you see.
I tried using this site:
However, it doesn't work to translate the formulas into Italian.
Then I will need other correct indications.


  • indirizzi.xlsx
    9.2 KB · Views: 6
This is a copy of your file containing @AliGW 's formula. Your version of Excel should translate the formulas. If it doesn't it means you are not using Excel 365.


  • indirizzi.xlsx
    10.5 KB · Views: 4